People all over the internet are fearmongering, Don't fall for it! Don't fall for their ego based hype as ego is in a state of chaos in it attempt to hang on to the old paradigm programing it had built to survive in.What is occurring is what WE as collective oneness planed by agreement to usher in a new higher vibrational frequency knowing it would be necessary for us to forget who we were and the task in order to remember and raise vibration to the harmonic level of this new cycle. You are responsible for even creating cosmic bodies and their transiting energy as part of this co-creative of effort of the Oneness we are. All this serves the purpose of continuing the exponential expansion of the energy field of Source which all things are.
We on Earth in this Solar System have thought ourselves as a family within the Milky Way galaxy and were shocked back in 2003 when teams from the universities of Virgina and Massachusetts used a supercomputer to sort through half a billion stars creating a New Star Map showing our Solar System (that yellow dot) at the exact nexus crossroad where two galaxies are joining. By using infrared maps astronomers filtered away millions of foreground stars to focus on a type of star called an M giant,large, infrared-bright stars which are the main population of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy and uncommon in the outer Milky Way and showing them Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy is wrapping around the Milky Way like a spaghetti noodle. We weren't even aware of this Galaxy until 1994. The fact that the Milky Way is seen in our sky at an angle has always been a puzzle to astronomers. If we originated from it, we ought to be oriented in the galaxy's ecliptic, with the planets aligned around our sun in much the same angle as our Sun aligns with the Milky Way; instead this odd angle suggests our Suns positioning is influenced by some other system. With data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey they found we actually belong to the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy and thus why we sit at this odd angle.
We are not from the Milky Way galaxy, we're part of Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy which is in the process of merging with the Milky Way of more powerful gravitational force, so it's pulling SagD apart star by star consuming us and our parent so we become part of it. This map shows Sagittarius has reached a critical phase in what up till now had been a slow dance of death or demise by assimilation. Sagittarius has been whittled down as a galaxy to a point it's gravity can no longer hold it together ~this the end time of the Sagittarius galaxy as it's being fully consumed by the Milky Way.Scientists postulate this is the real reason for global warming since the higher energy levels of the Milky Way would most certainly cause our Sun to burn hotter emitting higher energy.This turning during the merging of galaxy's is also probably at the root of the Mayan Calendar (most accurate on the planet) because of theread-point of the Pleiades star cluster, which the calendar was based on, and can no longer be a constant as our system steers away from what was predictable movement. We're noticing these energy shifts in our Solar System with Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, and the Uranus and Neptune pole shifts. With movement through space, Earth has now fully begun to respond to this more powerful galactic energy of electro-gravitation of the Milky Way, we've reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of it's massive spiral arm. AT this same point we are no longer just at the edge we cross through the energy path of the Milky Way's Galactic Center where this gravitational pull derives from.~~a double wammie~~ We've been "adopted" by this stronger more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almost every level.This is a natural event in the universal growth process. Researchers see where the vast Milky Way has made habit of swallowing up dwarfed galaxies. We have been at the edge of it ... not really in it, thus our view of this beautiful Milky Way our new parent galaxy.
In September 2007 I received my first messages this was what the Energy Shift in 2012 was being created from. The SHIFT was a real event foreseen by ancients who studied and lived by the stars. My own site closed, but I found this re-post of my blog message.
This is not just creating planetary changes, but changes in vibrational frequency of mineral, plant, animal, and human. This vibration change can become so intense it pulls us apart if we resist all it's implications of becoming beings of Higher Vibration Consciousness thought and action. In other words do as the religions teach to "become Enlightened" by seeing ourselves in our proper space in the vastness of infinity as One with it. We can resist creating a counter balance to the natural increase in frequency; or we can go with the flow of acceptance to change our inner frequency to harmonically balance with the new energy of this sphere. At present science is seeing much more space dust as well new planets coming into our view. This isn't a hokes it's for real and your not going to hear much about it cause according to those who control Earth we the people can't handle the truth.... along with this truth is the sad fact that those in control seek to save themselves at our expense by thinking they are only flesh blood and material possessions rather than understand they are the energy of spiritual Source...the real truth is All IS ENERGY and all returns to this form at the end of the agreed upon Collective Consciousness life span which we have chosen to extend in a new more expansive experience in the next higher dimensional density frequency we all 4thDensity of the 5thDimension and this is what we are experiencing now as the matter we are moves on the waves of the universal current..
Embrace Your Inner Knowing
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