Heavenletter #4647 - What You are Learning

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God said:

In terms of personality, everyone lives in his own world. No one sees exactly as you, nor do you see exactly like any other. Not exactly like. Twins are different people who may often see and feel alike, but, by no means, always. Resemblance isn’t identical. You and another may see the exact same scene, and you do not see the scene at all alike. The other seems to read something into the scene. The other is hearing his own chapter and verse, and you see quite a different version.
In literature, as well, there are different layers of understanding. Don’t get upset, but there is the proposition that whatever you see or hear or object to or favor is none other than yourself.
You have judged. You have extricated virtue and fault. You see a different pony show, and you are the show you see. Sometimes you pull the wool over your eyes. Sometimes you masquerade in front of yourself.
How can you be this person in front of you who rankles you. Beloveds, there is something in you that is rankled.
Take heart. Someone who pleases you is also yourself that you are seeing. There is an aspect. You are on stage, and you are in the audience watching yourself.
It is not that this has to be investigated. You can investigate until the cows come home and not understand more than you understand now.
Insights do not usually come from analysis, although, of course, insights can come from anywhere or nowhere. Yet insights take you somewhere. Your heart may leap, propelled by an insight.
When you are in the process of growing, you may not see your growth until later. You answer in a different way. You ask in a different way. Something did not get under your skin as in the past. You enjoyed something you weren’t in the habit of enjoying, yet there comes a point where you sit up, aware that you are not altogether the same person you thought you were or once were.
All that lies before you is for your growth. The lovely is for you to grow from. The not-so-lovely is for you to grow from. And then there are plateaus where you have a chance to notice that you are in a different place now. You used to be somewhere else, and now you are here. You have moved forward, and today you see.
In any case, something within you has opened. Your inner vision has expanded. Something has clicked. You moved out of the way. You stepped aside, or you were pushed aside. You went down a path you wanted to or you fell down a hill you didn’t want to. Life tripped you up, so it seemed, yet life is always putting you on course. You simply didn’t know the way for you to grow. You didn’t know the way home. You thought you did. What you think may be a detour, it may be the straight-a-way.
You may be sure that, no matter who you are or where you have been or not been, there is something for you to learn, or there is something for you not to learn. And you will learn it, or you will unlearn it. At the same time as you think you don’t know something, you also know more than you think.
Sometimes you plod when you could sail.
I will tell you this – I will tell you this again -- wherever you think you have been, and wherever you may think you’re going, whether you have been focused or shilly-shallying, you are propelled to Me, even as you have been here with Me all along. It isn’t that you are coming Home. It is that you are finding out that you always were at Home. You have never been anywhere else but with Me.


