Timeless Advice From Archangel Haniel. “Celebrate A New You.” By, Bella Capozzi.

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Cupcakes and Angels Posted on

birthday_cakeHello Friends!  This week I’m off on a fun-filled family road-trip.  After spending the summer in Boston, we’re all packed up and heading out to to drop my son off at school in New York, and then it’s home to Florida.  Dogs, kid, Grandma, too much luggage…(kind of the stuff Reality Shows are made of.)  In my world, there’s never a dull moment!

For me, the end of summer-break also signals a brand new beginning.  I have lots of new projects that I plan to tackle this fall!  Therefore, I feel this is the perfect time to post one of my original messages from Archangel Haniel.  While it is from last October, the advice she shares is applicable at any time.  She talks about how we can literally reinvent ourselves each day, if we want to.  She reminds us that we are constantly transforming, and that this is truly a cause for celebration.  I hope you enjoy her loving words.



Every Day Can Be The Rebirth Of A New You. Celebrate!

Originally received on October 27, 2012.

Bright, intense, warming and soothing…these words are a but a few descriptions of the transformative and powerfully cleansing energies that are sweeping across the planet Earth at this time.  Sometimes they are gentle as an infant’s touch and at other times they are forceful and tough and brook no opposition.  They go back and forth.  They are experienced differently in the diverse places across the planet, and this is because there are different lessons to be learned, depending on where you may be located at the precise moment of said changes.  Geographic locales are possessed of their own energy signatures also, and thus each require different levels and measures of clearing and restructure. These incoming energy waves shall tear down the  decay and the obsolescence, then renew and rebirth what is beautiful, crystalline and Divine in nature.  In like a lion and out like a lamb.  All is well, all is being reborn out of love.  You and your loved  ones are and always shall be eternally protected, as you are of God.  You are, in fact, God.

Be patient, Dear Hearts, with these necessary changes in your life’s circumstances.  Your environments, life-paths, relationships and your physical vessels cannot be transformed overnight.  Such transition takes time (yes, you are still operating under the illusory structure of time), and what is well worth having cannot be rushed or undertaken haphazardly.  By following your intuitive guidance you shall always know what to do and the ideal way to proceed at any given interval.  Much information is being provided to you through your dreams and by way of meditation, to be interpreted and implemented at your leisure.  All is being revealed to you at the appropriate pace for you.  Allow your story to magically unfold-and again,have patience.  Implicitly trust the guidance you receive, as the heart cannot, nor would it ever lead you astray.  Part and parcel of the transformation occurring within your physical and emotional bodies is that you are quickly becoming profoundly psychic.  The veil is most nearly fallen away by now, and you need only to believe that you have access to the higher realms and to your own greater wisdom, in order to naturally connect with it.  Believe this, Angels, for it is most certainly so.  Do not listen to the incessant babble of the of the ego, as it’s only thoughts are of survival.  It seeks to undercut your growth and learning, and for you to lend truth and energy to it’s words is utter foolishness.  It would be nothing more than self-sabotage.

So many of you are feeling led to re-assess your situations, both personally and professionally.   A great call has gone out recently, a sort of activation you might say.  You who are coded and pre-programmed to respond to this call shall find it awfully hard to ignore, no matter how much you may try to dismiss it and maintain your current status quo.  The trumpets are being sounded and you who have come to Earth in service are being summoned into active duty.  The most expedient thing you can do is to heed this call to action, in a very sensible way -and in a manner which can be easily and painlessly incorporated into your current lifestyle.  Attend to your Lightwork.  Remember that there are no accidents.  Each of you is Divinely placed at this time to be where you may do the most good.  If you are being called to relocate or to change professions, do take these promptings to heart, but allow God and your Angels to direct you in these matters.  Release and give all outcomes and their accompanying details over to the Heavenly Realms, and you shall be intuitively prompted as to when it is most prudent and how these changes are to take place.  Rest assured that you have not been cast adrift into what appears to be a storm-tossed sea, and know that all is in Divine and Holy order.

Understand that for each of you, in your own way, this is a period of profound healing.  You are tossing aside what no longer serves you and are becoming your truest and highest self.  You are, in essence, being reborn.  Be aware that every day is a fresh opportunity to recreate yourself.  Consider every day a birthday; a cause for joy and celebration.  Try new things.  Visit new places.  Experiment with new ideas.  Keep what suits you and cast aside what does not.  Every day that you are walking and breathing on this planet is a phenomenal gift.  A holiday.  A chance to create, to achieve and to impact things which are happening not only on Earth, but in corners of the Universe you can only dream about.  You have a lovely tradition on your world, of lighting candles on a cake on the day of your Earthly birth, then making a wish and blowing the candles out.  I suggest you do this, figuratively speaking, each day that you are guided to re-evaluate and make change.  Set your intentions, then imagine yourself blowing out the candles-all the candles-and experiencing your positive goals and intentions coming to fruition.  Consider carefully what it is you desire and how you envision your life to be.  Do you seek a new and innovative way to be of service?  Is it family harmony, abundance, or a new career path?  Is it your soul group or a twin-flame union that you seek?  Nothing is too big or too small.  Nothing aligned with The Light is off-limits.  Celebrate and be merry, Dear Hearts, as we are on the cusp of something wonderful.  I am Haniel.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.






Advice from Archangel Haniel

Elaine Diakakis's picture

This is so NOW! What a great re-affirmation! I especially love the celebration part and lighting of candles.  We need to do more of that.  As those of us are awakening, we have a tendency to drop the fun & celebration and get really serious about what we are here to do.  I think we all hold LIGHT just by being in a Fun-Loving celebratory way. I LOVE THIS!