Greetings Love Beings, Yesterday's Peace Portal was a Success.... We realized just in our 5D Room, We had Over 144 Love Beings Participating IN the Global Meditation with US, AMAZING. We could Also See the Golden energy Move around the Planet after we completed the Meditation. Very Exciting Moments we are In for Planet Earth=Heart and now the illusion will be crumbling even that much quicker.. Out with the Old and In with The NEW REALITY of Love Everywhere Present! Here We COME!
Today's Meeting Begins at 10:30am Pacific in our 5d Room for the Day Live at this Link:
Topics of Discussion:
Experiences, Visions,and Dreams from The Peace Portal Opening August 25th 2013
Victory for the Light Has Occurred and Why
Everyone is talking about September Being Huge, Discuss Ashtars Post from Phillip
Discuss Montague Keens Latest Post, The End of the road
The Suns Reversal and the Effects we are already seeing
Riding the waves of last days through august are people acting weird?
Why and How Everyone On this Planet Is a Lightworker
The Illusion dissolving quicker NOW
Declaring Freedom and Unity, Humanity Stand UP
Disclosure Report
3d News and How Hollywood is beginning to reveal the control
Earth Changes~ Earthquakes and Volcano's
And So Much More! Thank You for Joining us all are Welcome!!! We will See You There
Love The Earth Allies
Victory for the Light
Summary Please....
Idea; Can't attend this afternoon, but would love to see a bullet-point summary of the discussion. From a time-management standpoint (more stuff to read and view than seemingly time to do it), it would be great to see a post with a list of short phrases or single sentences with links to full articles where appropriate.
For example: Ahstar says expect xxx on yyy Link:
This way, just like the old paper "News Papers" (you remember them right? ;-) ) we can scan down and read the highlights.
Thanks! Love and Light.
Oh I really wanted to attend this meeting
my computer wasn't having it. Testing, testing. Lots to convey
peace to you all.