True Activist, By: Amanda Froelich, 08/26/2013
With Harvard’s confirming study on the detrimental effects of milk consumption , startled families are torn between habit and health-minded effort as to what to consume in its place. Creamy, filling, and a staple to many, its acidifying, hard-to-digest effects have long been overlooked for too long by dairy industry-backed regulators. There are many reasons to once and for all put down your glass of Moo juice.
First, cow’s milk is essential…for baby calves meant to increase substantially in weight during their first years of life. The molecules vary dramatically from human breast milk and because individuals lose their ability to produce lactase (the enzyme that digests lactose) at a young age, most every individual is lactose intolerant. This can cause flatulence, acne, and fatigue among many other symptoms.
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