By:, 09/05/2013
New Moon Phase: beginning, projection, emergence, intention
Moon: Virgo
Ruling Mahavidya: Shodashi
Welcome to the New Moon in Virgo! And if you can guess from this photo, it's going to be a wild ride! Special thanks to wise owl Christine V who sent this photo when I asked for people to find beauty and snap a shot. There was a photo out there that encapsulated what Shodashi had in store this month and this photo is it. Her caption: "I thought this was going to be a sunset photo...but it seems to have exploded." Indeed.
The Sun is not going to explode, but Shodashi is and this is what it looks like - an explosion of light.
I've struggled for some time now about how to explain what would happen during the Virgo month. We need to look at this from two perspectives (indicated by Venus and Eris in opposition close to the Eris Point at the New Moon). Let's break it down into two levels, the macro and the micro and then see how they integrate. Along the way, we'll see how both are happening together.
First the macro level, or the world at large: I've discussed how the Mahavidyas Dhumavati and Bhairavi have worked to release trauma and heart pain these past couple of months. But the story doesn't end there. The Mahavidya Shodashi has collected all of the pain that was released (pain that was caused by Archontic interference and intrusion) and directs it now back to its source, the one responsible - the chief Archon or, as the Gnostics term it, the Demiurge. Shodashi defends humanity by redirecting back all of the pain and suffering that we have released. This is why our own work these last two months has been so important and so effective. It is a collaborative effort to free us from the enslavement of our hearts and minds and to free us from what keeps us locked out of love with life. Our imposed obsession with thanatos (death) comes to an end. The power of the Demiurge and his minions takes a serious blow from Shodashi.
The majority of her work in this regard has already happened. Her strike, a flaming arrow of obsidian, has been a pre-emptive one, launched over the past two weeks to minimize damage from the Archontic agenda, which was poised and ready to launch the next world war under the Black Moon-Pluto energy. This didn't happen (yet) because Shodashi prevented it from happening. It was actually a joint effort. Enough of humanity is awake enough to call out a directive for an end to the enslavement. Everyone understands the enslavement at their own level. I see it as the enslavement of consciousness. Some see it as enslavement by politicians. It doesn't matter because the idea is the same: the desire for freedom from control, which is the desire for life itself.
Which leads us into the micro level, or our own lives. Shodashi grants the greatest desire of our higher selves. She sees beyond the physical into the cosmic and she sees not just the best in us, but our grandest potential. Under Shodashi's energy whatever we feel is impossible becomes visibly possible. She is vast and she is complete. Some of the Mahavidyas are "scary fierce" and edgy. Shodashi has an edge, but it is soft. She likes harmony and cosmic balance and she lives in beauty. She is not only the Goddess Who Grants Highest Desire, she is desire. She is not only the Goddess Who Is Beautiful in All Worlds, she is beauty. Beauty is what she is most concerned with, and she brings beauty to our lives when she dominates a lunar month.
As I've mentioned, what we want for our lives is not necessarily what is best for our lives, so this month requires a great deal of trust to accept that whatever is happening is happening for your highest and best. I will beat this drum a lot over the month so we won't forget. (Remember that Shodashi is the drummer in the band of the Mahavidyas. Repetition and solidity are thematic this month. Does it have to be beaten into our heads?)
I will record an audio soon to cover Shodashi's energy more thoroughly and to go into more detail about how this will play out in the macro and micro levels. That will be a great honor for me because how cool is it to be able to herald the fall of the Demiurge and the beginning of the end of humanity's enslavement? The begining of the end of our enslavement...can you imagine?
yes I can imagine!!
Thank you for your reports. I love them. I am so feeling this expansive freedom energy blowing across the world. My body is now catching it and I can move from the couch to the outer world. Ah, sweet freedom! Welcoming Shodashi in my life!
lovelylinda at