4 In-Season September Superfoods

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Naturalsociety, By: Elizabeth Renter, 09/06/2013

beets foods 263x164 4 In Season September Superfoods

The days are getting shorter and the nights slightly cooler—signs that summer is on its way out. We’ll be wearing sweaters and eating soup before you know it. But before you say goodbye to summer, we still have September and the healthful foods that are at their peak this time of year.


When you make it a point to eat foods that are in-season, you are able to get fruits and vegetables when they are at their best. They taste better and are better for you when they are not made to travel halfway around the world or sit in a freezer for months on end. The easiest way to buy your September superfoods is locally—at a farmer’s market or stand. Talk to the farmer and ask which of his wares are best and which are almost “done” for the season to get a good idea  of where your money is best spent.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

