Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels

Silver's picture, By: Ann Albers, 09/07/2013

Take a deep breath. As you breathe in you breathe in the energy of all possibility in your life. Breathe out. Release limiting notions of what you can be, achieve, or have in your life. For with God all things are possible.


It is easy to feel trapped by life circumstances, but in all cases dear ones you, you have choice. You have the power to choose thoughts that are loving and positive, or thoughts that are conditioned and often negative. You have the power to perceive life as a a journey of opportunity for expanding love, or as a dance of survival. You have the choice to view people and situations in your life as obstacles, or opportunities for transformation.


So next time you say to yourself, “Oh I have to…” try saying to yourself, “I choose to…” For example you say, sometimes with a heavy heart, “I have to go to this job to pay the bills.” Sigh. And yet how much more powerful to say, “I choose to go to this job to pay the bills. It is the most loving choice I can make given my present circumstances. However I have choice. I have opportunity! I can pray and look for a new job. I can eliminate some of my financial burdens. I can give up everything and live in a tent on the beach!” We hear you now. “No I can’t do that.” Well dear ones, with all due respect, we remind you, yes you can! You have endless choices, possibilities, and opportunities!


We would like to offer you a little game that you could play with yourself or one another. Next time you say, “I have to…” with a heavy heart, get creative. Write down all the other possible choices! “I could…” Make them outlandish, silly, amusing, and sometimes you will find even inspiring. Brainstorm with friends. Allow yourself to add to your list. Soon you will see that the only thing holding you bound is your own thoughts, your own sense of duty, your own definitions of responsibility. Out of this exercise you may see that you ARE making the most loving choice right now but that there are other possibilities. You may see that you are choosing out of habit and you may want to make changes. You may see that you have been your own personal dictator! Dear ones, allow yourselves, at least in your thinking to be free! Allow yourselves to consider other options, other possibilities. For never in truth are you truly trapped in any situation! Your souls are and eternally will be, free.


God Bless You! We love you so very much.

– The Angels

