know that all that we see is what we have become few people ar aware that their inner world is reflected in their reality.
humanity is very sick and in a colective psychosis there is no world outside of our self hard to belive because duality appear to be so real but its a mirage.
your 5 sense may be very usefull to fonction in the psysical reality but beliving that what we percive with the 5 sense is the only thing real is like fog on the lense of perception that blind us from wich is real consciensciousness.
the world is as real as its unreal it depend in wich matrix we are dwelling and conect the one who are conect the the matrix of nature percive our city and most of its citezen as hologram projection of the mass inconscience.
in occidental society when one conect with the non psysicaln it start to see in wich illusion human race as being keep in and start to loose interest in the material and psysical universe become conect with the immortal that dose not age wich are spirit in form become real in wich greater reality is found and greater ability discover.
when try to talk with the human in the colective psychosis we can be tag as delusional and sick when in fact we live in a higher state of consciensciousness.
our mass media promote to much negative event wich activate the law of serie wich we focus on is what we create wich tent to make the mass live in a hostile and corupt environement.
most people live acording to the media and fals belief they are hook to mind control programation of their subcoscient that make them age psysicaly become sick and die without having live a sigle day of their life.
when we have the subconscient belief of the mass that is program by a secret elite we are slave we may not notice our slavery cause the way of life is the only one we have learn and it appear normal to us.
think the economic capitalist appear logic to most people when in truth its a cancer for the planet and its creature the logic of consumerism can only be logic on a earth with illimitate natural resource wich is not the case.
when the mass live in the trance state of consciensciousness super impose by the secret elite and their illuminati puppet they are subconsciously manifesting the total destruction of the earth and its inhabitant.
no natural or man made deasaster is from coeincidence or hazard all that happend on earth is first create in the non psysical universethe super matrix of thoughts nothing not even natural desaster can happen with out being created by the thoughts imagination and emotion of the human race we are the suprem creator gods is the love substance.
we are creator of our reality but because we mostly unaware and inconscient of of creative power and our ability to afect the 5 element our reality is create by force that use our power to create a reality that is only good for them.
most people belive the material and psysical universe is solide but science as prove it is only made solide by the vibration and perception of the observer mater is only light and energy condense under slow vibration when we chage our perception and the frequency in wich we vibrate the structure of the mater start to modify and miracle become posible and real.
every situation in wich we found our self can teach us about our subconscient belief hardship often contain the greatest opportunity.
everything is us we appear many but we are only dealing we diferent version of our self all the time be kind to all