Short Update~ Whats Really Going On, On Planet Earth=Heart? Exciting Moments

Lia's picture

The Reports are now coming In about these Intense Energies! We will Be discussing These Reports and Experiences, Current Posted Messages of Excitement from others,  and so Much More! You can Join The Earth Allies Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific At this Link:  All Are Invited!

Greetings Love Beings, We have an Exciting Meeting Today with Much To Discuss Since Our Recent Events of the Full Moon and Equinox Energies.  AS Anticipated the Light Which Came In Over this past weekend was simply Breathtaking....  We revealed In A Previous Update it would depend how ready you were for this incoming energy and your experience.

  Here is A Quote from What we Shared about these Weeks we are in right now " We can say in these next 3 weeks will be an intense energetic period for many who are ready to embrace the Higher Light Energies coming in. What The Experience will be for each of you will differ depending on how much of the baggage of 3d you have dissolved in your Body Hologram and have opened up the gateways from within, for this incoming Energy for this is How it enters.  The Intense Flow of this Energy will be rushing as a Gush and this will continue through the remainder of the Year and Beyond. This Energy has a Non stop FLOW on, and we are in an incredible Acceleration period! WINK!"....

List of Topics~ Post Equinox Energies, The Winds Of Change Of October

Reports, Messages and Experiences from the last 72 Hours

All illusion is dissolving and disappearing more quickly in this energy

Clearing, Cleansing, Clearing cleansing.....

The Lights Intensity Now and How this Will Increase

  Last Energy and Event Update [Important Information about current Moments and Where Do the Event and Energy Updates Come From?

Discuss Recent Posts from Today and How they are All In Alignment With Recent Energies

 Listening to the Gut versus heart is there a difference?

Recent Messages About Lightworkers In Action, The Difference between Being a Real Lightworker and a spiritual ego trying to save or fix illusion

The Real Truth about The Real Divine Mission What is this? Information Explosion

Light and Disclosure Explosion

Earth Changes Events  and So Much More!!!

Please Feel Free to Bring a Topic or Question You Would Like Us to Discuss! Planetary Awakening is Unfolding!

Love The Earth Allies

We are Currently over 1100$ Behind In our Funding for September with 5 Days Remaining! Thank you for Everyone sharing if You Can! Without all of your Support We would Not Be here In 24 Hour Service! We Love You and Thank You for Honoring and Supporting The Divine Mission!


