INDRA'S NET pt. 1 & 2

Tao of Jonathon's picture

I have an image that I wanted to illustrate my blog with, but do not know how yet:

From the Hindu Vedic Cosmology and Mahayana Buddhism.
The story goes that the Supreme Deity, Indra, created a net that filled the Heavens. A pearl was placed at each intersection of the threads. Within the reflective surface of each pearl's luster are the images of all the pearls in the net.. This is a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things.
This is my own personal journey into Indra's Net:

Some years ago, while living in Colorado, I attended a shamanic journey. We were given a cup of potentized water of the energy signature of Grandmother Ayahuasca. I began to fall under the hypnotic spell of the rhythmic beat of of the shaman's drum. I awoke to find that I had been transported to a jungle. A large, powerful Jaguar came towards me. I knew him as my Spirit guide. I climbed onto his back and he raced through the jungle and it became a blur.We stopped at the base of a shear cliff. Before me, a vertical line appeared on the rock surface. It expanded until it became a doorway. Unafraid, I stepped through the portal into another dimension. As I did, my mind and body exploded into billions of particles. These small particles of light was flung to the far reaches of the universe. Each point of light was aware of its self and each other. Like a dream, I awoke to reflect on the meaning of this experience. I quickly wrote it down while it was fresh in my mind. I was puzzled by it and it's abrupt end. "Is this all there is ?" I asked myself.

INDRA"S NET part 2
Shamanic Journey with the Grandmother:

In my disappointment, I did not go back for any more shamanic journeys. After about two months, my curiosity got the best of me, and I went back. As before, I lay comfortably on the floor, allowing the Shaman's drum to take me into an altered state of consciousness. Again, my Spirit Guide came for me and I climbed on his back and we went racing through the jungle, until we came to the clearing at the base of the cliff. I thought to myself, "We have already done this before, what is the point of repeating it?" The portal appeared on the face of the cliff and opened up into a doorway and I stepped through. As before, my mind and body explodes into billions of tiny particles, each particle aware of it's self as each expression of life:

I am the bloated, starving baby laying naked in the dirt:
A mother sheltering her children with her body, as the bomb rips through the house;
A man in the crowd, pulling the lever on his bomb strapped body, yelling, "God is Great."
The woman laying on the ground, who has just been raped.

I am the man running down the street, who had just raped her;
I am the child kneeling by his bed, asking God to bring his father home from the war;
The serenity of an old woman, who lays dying in a hospital bed;
The homeless man living under the bridge, who does not believe in God.

I am a deer who lays dying from a hunter's bullet;
A robin singing from a tree branch;
The cool breeze that blows through the mountain pines;
A flowering dandelion;
A crystal spring bursting through the rocks.

I AM the six billion expressions of humanity;
The life force permeating the Earth;
I AM the sun, moon and stars;
The Golden Sea of Consciousness, that has no end.......
Therefore, how can I judge anything.

This was another life changing experience in compassion and a true understanding that we are all connected.
I was not prepared for what Spirit would show me at this second Shamanic Journey. I did not witness these visions, I experienced them. When I read about the suffering from events that are taking place, I no longer judge, I feel compassion and I offer prayers for those suffering.