Tao of Jonathon Journal pt. 1

Tao of Jonathon's picture

June 26-27, 2012

The energies have been rapidly changing the earthplane since 1-1-2012. A quickening is taking place that is affecting all expressions of life in this physical earth plane.Time as we know it, seems to be rapidly speeding up, but time is an illusion created by the linear mind. We look around us and it appears that the world is becoming progressively worse in the chaos of war, violence and suffering, but that is not the case. The influx of Light is causing the negative fear based energies to become condensed. It is part of the process  of forcing the disease of society, to come to the surface so that it can be healed. Many of us are experiencing this process in our individual lives, as old wounds and buried conflicts are surfacing so that we are forced to deal with them and to let them go. We are physically moving into the crystaline structure and these old unhealthy mindsets can not come with us. What is happening in the earthplane should not be judged as good or bad, nor should we allow ourselves to become involved in the drama. Compassion is the result of non judgement and detachment. The awakening process is moving from linear mind, to the heart center as "seat of power." This process is changing the cellular structure of our bodies. Our diets, habits, addictions are changing. Many of us are finding that we no longer crave certain foods. Some of us are experiencing radical changes, such as a sudden dislike for meat, stimulants, alcohol and tobacco. The vibration of our physical bodies are being raised so that we evolve more rapidly into a fifth-dimensional state of being. In this evolving state, we will find ourselves more at peace and thinking less and less, with little or no desire to have answers.. Some of us may experience intense health issues as part of the process of change. We are becoming more detached from our memories as personal history of our identity that is collapsing. Some may experience from time to time, walking through the earth dream with our eyes open. This is a conscious awareness that this physical plane is only an illusion. It is important to not be in judgement on the events of the world drama. Each soul has chosen to play his/her role on life's stage. It is now time to focus sending healing energies to the planet. All that is needed is LOVE.
Our understanding will be excellerating where we will no longer need words to define. The linear mind is easing up in needing to know answers and solve problems. We are at various stages of remembering and accessing our own information from the infinite wellspring from which we came. We are beginning to understand the phrase, "If you can think it and define it, then that is not IT." It can only be experienced by the heart. When we fully realize this, then we can relax and know that this metamorphis is completed in it's own time frame and not ours. Be reassured that we will not be left behind in this awakening process. Know that some souls are ahead of us and some souls are behind us. We each move at our own pace according to our needs. The conscious practicing of gratitude on a daily basis will help accelerate the awakening process. Gratitude for everything in our lives as well as gratitude for what is not in our lives, that we wanted and tried to bring about. This will lessen the impatience of the "I want it now!" that so many of us have suffered from. Our linear mind has been used as the focus of a single linear thought and being oblivious to all else around us as the mind categorizes, defines and judges. This method is part of the survival mode of our carbon based bodies that are changing. This method has kept us in a state of fear/suffering for eons.
Many of us are feeling a sense of excitement that "It has arrived" and that we are really here and not crazy, as we sometimes thought we were. We chose to come into the earthplane to participate in the planetary rebirth. Many of us are feeling a strong kinship towards nature as though it was pulling us in, as if it holds a secret to reveal to us. It really does, because of it being in harmony with the cosmos. Even nature is going through it's own evolutionary transformation along with the planet's ascension. The raising of the vibratory frequencies of the planet is altering the illusion of time. Those in the awakening process, are more focused in being in the present and not concerned with the past or future. We are seeing many friends and acquaintances leave our lives and new ones coming in. We are less interested to be involved with friend's and family member's drama. Many of us are Star Seed  and we are beginning to remember life beyond planet earth and the choices we made to come here to assist with the rebirthing of the planet. Many souls have come from all parts of the universe to assist in the Ascension. As this awakening deepens within us, we become more and more aware how powerful our thoughts are and how we can focus them to manifest  our dreams and goals. It is important that we release our "fear thoughts" and "anger thoughts" because we know the destructive nature they represent. This physical plane is only a dream and not reality. We are learning to walk between the two worlds.
Some of us have experienced increased anxiety from time to time, the feeling we have lost our mind. In a sense, we have. We feel that things are not going according to our plans. Some of us have lost financial support as well as social status. All of these things are happening for a reason so that we can let go and surrender to a Force greater than ourselves. Our attachments to social status financial and material well being are no longer of importance to us. Many of us are becoming aware of the role our pets have in our lives to help ground us and teach us unconditional love.