Tao of Jonathon Journal pt. 4

Tao of Jonathon's picture

June 29-30, 2012
Many feel excited and anxious about the changes that they are going through and feel that they should be doing something. They feel like they are racing their engines and still stuck in park. There is nothing to do, so give up on the belief that you want to make a difference. That is ego talking. Your higher self is orchestrating everything and you will have clear guidance to do whatever needs to be done. Practice some form of meditation that you feel comfortable with, be it sitting, Yoga, or a walking meditation in nature. Let your inner guidance lead you. Meditation is a way of stilling the mind and can enhance energy flow. Make time to be in nature, whether in the back yard, park, or wilderness. It is an opportunity to renew your energy (Chi) Go there and be "empty." There is a  parasitic drain on our life force in this chaotic society that we live in. Noise, pollution, toxins, as well as drama. The quite time commune with nature will help restore your energy and help teach you to build a shield against these energy parasites. Every blade of grass, every leaf, bush, vine or tree, will lovingly and patiently teach you to "Se still and Know."
In this awakening, there will be moments of clarity and understanding, as well as moments of linear consciousness, doubt and fear. Do not be concerned about this. Remember the words, "This too, shall pass," and it will pass. Be the Light, you do not need to save anyone, feed the hungry and heal the sick. Be the Light and that will help others find their way back to God as they perceive him/her/it to be. Just as the sun does not discriminate and gives it's light and energy to the "good people and the bad people," be the Light without judgement. In our society, everyone is in a rush, but going nowhere. Many are addicted to pleasures of the senses and stimulus. Sex, drugs, materialism, power, competition, aggression, greed, vanity and much more. They can not get enough. Many of us were like this before the awakening. Now we no longer have anything in common with those who are addicted to stimulus and drama.
Now is the time to start practicing gratitude each day. If you have trouble remembering, try putting up little note reminders in the house and car. Gratitude is a state of mind. It is a conscious acceptance of everything in your life, free of complaints and judgments. Often we focus on what we don't have  and desire it even more and take for granted what we do have. Gratitude helps to put everything into alignment, allowing the energies to flow unimpeded throughout the body and mind. Even the food intake as well as bodily elimination will help insure good health and energy. Gratitude helps us to accept all the difficult people in our lives who bring us pain and suffering. In time, there will be no need for these difficult people because we have learned all the lessons that they brought. Practicing gratitude will work even though you may have doubts or are not ready to forgive. Gratitude helps one to embrace life as an adventure. This is what Jesus meant when he said, "You should be in the world, but not of it."