Astrology Report for October

Lia's picture

by Dorene Carrel AstroConnections.

          October contains several planetary trigger points that could accelerate major changes on both personal and world levels. The New Moon in Libra aligns with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square to set the stage, followed by a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries on October 18 and a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3. Mercury in Scorpio turns retrograde on October 21, allowing us to look at all these changes from a deeper perspective.

          The New Moon occurs on October 4 at 12 Libra.  It aligns with Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter, making a cardinal grand cross pattern. This type of pattern tends to produce fast-paced events that can lead to possible crises and stress.  However, at the same time, there is a water grand trine in the background between Saturn in Scorpio, Chiron in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer that allows us to slow down and become more tranquil and creative, which opens us to new ideas and possibilities. We can always choose where to put our attention.   

          The Libra focus is on relationships and the integration of opposites, along with the quest for greater equality, balance and harmony; the shadow side is being indecisive and seeking peace at any price. The Uranus/Pluto aspect can lead to rebellion against limiting situations as we strive for greater balance.  Jupiter in Cancer is found in both patterns, which suggests taking care of our own emotional/spiritual needs before we can have harmonious relationships.  The Sabian symbol for this degree, “Miners are surfacing from a deep coal mine; the need to carry on at ever deeper levels the quest for knowledge which keeps burning the fires of the collective mind of a society” suggests tapping into deeper levels of awareness from ancient traditions.

          From October 5-8, Mercury in Scorpio aligns with Saturn and the North Node, encouraging us to communicate in a deeper, more authentic way. This is a good period to focus on serious, long-term issues. The North Node can bring new opportunities our way for relationships with deeper healing connections. Due to Mercury retrograde, the Mercury/Saturn aspect will repeat on October 29. On October 9, Jupiter makes a favorable sextile to Ceres in Virgo, which enhances healing through diet and nutrition. Ceres in Virgo (until early November) is currently bringing up issues connected with food safety, such as the labeling of genetically modified food.      

          The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on October 18 at 26 Aries.  Eclipses contain the potential to awaken new growth and awareness.  A lunar eclipse tends to bring up hidden elements that need to be further examined. Aries themes include being independent, assertive and courageous; the shadow side can be very egocentric and rash.  This time there is a cardinal t-square created by the Sun, Moon and Jupiter.  Aries is the most cardinal of the cardinal signs. Once again Jupiter calls forth our ability to take a broader perspective and aim higher with our goals. The Sabian symbol degrees, “A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold,” and “An eagle and a large white dove change into each other,” suggest expanded feelings of abundance and unity that can now be experienced.  Mars opposing Neptune the next day encourages us to act on our higher ideals. 

          On October 21 Mercury goes stationary retrograde at 18 Scorpio. It will turn direct on November 10 at 2 Scorpio.  This cycle favors research, review and introspection more than starting important activities. This is a good time to discern hidden motives and underlying messages, as well as reconnect with people from the past. It is best to allow extra time for getting things done due to breakdowns, misunderstandings, traffic congestion and computer problems. 

          The Sun in harmonious trine to Neptune on October 25 is favorable for creative visualization or a spiritual retreat. On October 29 Mercury aligns with Saturn again, while Mars trines Pluto on October 31. Both aspects bring more focus and energy and help us stay on track with personal goals. 

          November brings a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.  Blessings for a joyful and prosperous autumn! 

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          Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience, offering birth chart, transits/progressions and relocation astrology readings.  She is certified in Astrocartography.  For more information, contact Dorene at  Paypal accepted.

          All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.

          Check out my astrology blog at for ongoing astrological observations on current events, people, trends, etc.    
