Life changing experience

Tao of Jonathon's picture

This was a life changing experience I had in 1984. I had been a devout Christian for six years, but wanted nothing to do with organized religion. For me, my cathedral was in the woods and often, I would go there to pray. I remember the night well. There was a full moon over head and I was troubled. I was talking to God, I said, Lord...Who has you ? Tell me so I can go and know you better! In an instant, I was no longer standing in the woods, but was in space, yet...It wasn't space. There was this LIGHT that was like the sun, but nothing like the sun. It was so beautiful and pure Love. Out of this LIGHT, came a cable of light made up of fine threads of light, twisted around like a rope. Then I was transported to above the earth. The cable unraveled. This religion received 20 strands of LIGHT, that one 40 strands, another recieved 10 and on and on it went. Then a voice spoke to me, "IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ME, YOU MUST GATHER AS MANY STRANDS AS YOU CAN." 
I began to study and embrace all religions, but not limited by them. That cable of light only represented a tiny fraction of the LIGHT. That LIGHT can only be known when we can empty ourselves out and surrender to it through the heart. I do not judge when I see religions preaching their superiority, hate and racism. When we come to understand and embrace this, we will tear down the walls that separate us and there will no longer be a need for organized religion. We are all one people created by the One Divine Intelligence. It is within the hearts of each of us and doesn't need to be named, defined or put in a box or category. All we have to do, is listen to "That still voice inside."
There are so many of these threads of light. When we are not consciously aware of them, it is often because we have settled on a few. This limits our ability to recognize anything beyond our belief system. In my search to know God, many doors have opened to continually broaden my understanding of Source. As a Seeker, I became disenchanted with all of these belief systems. In anger and defiance, I got rid of my large Esoteric library, I packed up and moved from a dysfunctional spiritual community and moved back to Kansas. I thought I was giving up on this "God thing" for good and was going to work on getting my life back. I was reflecting on the experience with the Light some 20 odd years ago. I had been so busy gathering these strands of light that I had overlooked that the Source that this cable of light originated from, was infinitely greater. It was the manifested and the unmanifested. At that time, the Tao Te Ching and Hao Hu Ching came into my hands. Written some 2500 years ago. This was the closest to my own deep understanding of Source. "The Tao that can be named is not the Tao." from Tao Te Ching.