By: 10/04/2013
God said:
My heart is impeccably linked to yours. When this is the case, what can you be upset about? And yet you are. Interminably, you are upset about something. Upset is all for naught. What good is there in your being upset? Invariably, whatever it is that is upsetting you, it is here today and gone tomorrow.
Regardless of all the theories, there is no percentage in your being upset. Being upset is like flapping your wings and going nowhere.
The only good thing about upset that I see is that when the intense upset is over, you feel a great sense of relief. What you have been relieved of is upset. Somewhere along the line you picked up the idea that you had to be upset. Would that somewhere along the line you learned to feel relief in the first place.
Who taught you that upset is natural and that you must have it? What is upset? It is tension. It is feeling tight, uptight. Upset is a burden, like a rope tightened around your neck. What is there about upset that you possibly like? Why keep upset close to you as though it were a valuable commodity?
I will tell you that simple relaxation beats upset any day. Do not believe for one minute that you are meant to have a predilection for upset. Why on Earth would you believe that?
Look, if you see a train coming, jump out of the way. Look both ways when you cross the street. If preparing a meal for twenty-five people makes you tense, why are you preparing a meal for twenty-five people? Who said you have to be exacting of yourself?
If hurry hurry hurry is a way of life for you, change your way. Hurry takes too much out of your hide. Easy does it makes you young. Are you in a hurry to grow old?
Who is it that puts pressure on you? Probably you are the culprit. Must you allow that? Is it better to be Brer Rabbit than the Tortoise? Is there something wrong in your being who you are in terms of your grasp of the world? Must you grasp the world at all? Must you whip life into obeyance?
Perhaps you relax a little when you are riding in a train or an airplane. At these moments you have let go of your responsibility toward life. Your life is in the hands of the pilot or the train conductor. You are not driving the car.
Can you not relax in life in the knowledge that you are riding with Me? Perhaps you can slow down a bit knowing that I am in charge. Will you relax with Me? Consider that We are dancing together, and I take the lead, and you follow. It’s pretty good to be a follower of Mine. What that really means is that, in our dancing, We are in tandem. How graceful We are as We step this way and that and as We move and as We twirl and as We look into the twin mirrors of Our hearts.
We are not in any hurry to end Our dance. In any case, Our dance is unending. Close or far, We are dancing, follow My lead. Beloveds, We are dancing on the town, and We are dancing in Silence. We are ever-dancing and ever in an embrace. We do not dance a dance of tension. We dance a dance of grace. If anything, We unwind. You don’t need to do handstands for Me. It is enough for Us to look into each other’s eyes and know peace. We are at peace. What else could We possibly be as Our souls soar and We trip the light fantastic?
I love the heavenletters