Michael and the family of Yeshua
We are here with Michael on this day to state our intention to communicate with you through this channel in the future. We are grateful for this opportunity. It has taken this one some time to recognize our presence. We are gratified that at last he has done so.
We have been needing a conduit for our group communications and we are happy to have this one. Michael has built up a wonderful audience and we are very happy that it will be so easy to communicate with all of you. Each of us has our own channels, of course, and wonderful they are. But this will be a welcome channel as well, and it will be enjoyable to work together.
It has been said through this channel that you have turned a corner recently, and that is indeed the case. And since that is so, let us speak a bit about something that you will be seeing more and more of. We speak of healing. There is much of that to be done, is it not so? And you will have noticed, of course, that there are now more healing methods around you than ever before. And that will continue to increase as you learn more and more of the possibilities.
It is necessary that there be methods that appeal to and are effective for each of you. But understand that all true healing is done by the One True Healer through your own bodies and minds. Healers of whatever type are those that have learned to aid you in doing this. We are sure that they would be the first to agree this is so. The best of your medical doctors recognize it, as well.
Do not feel that you should think of one type of healing as good and another as not. They each have wonderful possibilities for you. Choose simply what you feel in your heart you can accept and believe in. Choose what your heart knows that it needs. I believe you will be familiar with the words, “Rise. Your faith has healed you.” Without that faith, my dear friends, nothing will heal you. So as you look for what will, look for what you believe most diligently.
This short message will suffice for today. Be well, dear ones. And be in joy.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
Very heartening
Thank you Ron for transmitting this info. I am a chiropractor that follows BJ Palmer's methodology. That is called HIO. He showed through spiritual science that a correct adjustment of the atlas or axis can cause a global re-balancing of the entire being. Of course the philosophy of Universal and innate intelligence united in the human being is the basic underlying premise. I find this site so interesting because we can see that there are solutions to the mayhem Earth is displaying. my path is health education and well faring. Looking forward to your next post.