Dana Mrkich~ The World Is Ready For You Now ~

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Video Version with Commentary will be posted here tomorrow.

The other day I received a lovely response from a client who has beautiful potential for helping others through her gifts of writing and coaching, but has been held back by a few things including lack of confidence, and high integrity, feeling she has no original ideas  “What is there that hasn’t already been said’?

There are likely lots of you reading this today who might feel the same and so I wanted to share my reply: The world needs more like you, people with high integrity helping others. Yes it’s all been said before, but it all hasn’t been heard before by those who are seeking. Different people respond to different writers/coaches/teachers/healers etc in different ways, so for every person who feels the call to help or inspire, know that there are people out there waiting to be helped, inspired, encouraged and supported.

This is not about encouraging dependency on those in the ‘personal growth’ business. We are living in times of empowering ourselves, and ideally we must first be encouraged to learn to look within for ‘help’ as our first port of call. However this doesn’t mean we all pull in our ropes and have everyone fend for themselves like some sort of episode of Survivor. In between the two extremes of co-dependence and isolated independence is a healthy inter-dependence where we can all support each other in different ways.

There are many ways of supporting others if you feel called to do so, and the ‘personal growth’ field is just one of a myriad of paths a person can take in their decision as to what kind of work to do. The main thing I am seeing these days is people who are wanting their work to be more meaningful and fulfilling personally, and to make a positive contribution to the community and world. People are also wanting to feel free to express their creativity and other innate interests and talents, as part of their daily life not just as a sometimes hobby. This is going to lead to the expansion of so many wonderful offerings: organic, local food, sustainable off-the-grid housing,  more health-and-environment conscious products.

The arena of ‘consciousness is eventually no longer going to be relegated to that meditation you did this morning, or the workshop you are going to on the weekend. Consciousness is driving every aspect of our life, and of society, right now, and even though we can still see lots of non-conscious behaviour and actions, we are also seeing a very rapid increase in the opposite: consciousness in action.

So whatever you are feeling called to do, do it or at the least consider doing it. You may not have been ready before, the world may not have been ready before, but it is ready now and so are you.

© Dana Mrkich 2013

Dana Mrkich is an Energy Intuitive, Author of A New Chapter, Creator of E-course Create a Life you Love and an inspirational teacher, writer and speaker. For more info, please visit her website, join her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

www.danamrkich.wordpress.com/ link to original article
