The Harvest, or in some beliefs, The Rapture.
The Harbinger arrives, bringer of new life force. Could this be the mission of ISON (I-Son) or is it just a rock? ISON is not alone and not only the “ones” around Her, but before and after, there have been and will be many that come, THIS YEAR, 2013.
It is harvest time. And this will not let up for some time to come, but now is a critical-mass opportunity to clime aboard your awaiting vessel of transport.
Keep it simple, your “ASCENT” into the Heavenly Realms is assured no matter what you have or have not done, but it can be sooner or later according to YOU.
For those who choose sooner, here is your medicine.
“I AM The Way, The Truth and The Light”
If you were not the “I” how could you “BE?”
This was not given to become incorrectly translated to place any man as the leader of your very Soul, no. This is a mantra to lift you UP though invocation by YOU.
“I AM That, I AM.” NOTE, where the comma is? Keep it there when invoking this, the most powerful of all mantras. This is the name of Creator-God-Source. See Moses teachings for reference to this in the Bible.
“Be still and know, I AM God.” A mantra. Use it unsparingly. NOTE, what comes before "and know."
“Mans greatest problem is that he cannot sit in a room alone.”
So sit.
You will soon be divided into many varied groups for harvesting/rapture/ascension-according to your auric fields, your AURA, It cannot tell a lie.
Your aura’s Light colors will define which level, dimension, planet, ship or other “Heavenly Realm” you will be a match to. You will migrate there. Your aura is transparent unlike what you are used to “down here.” Your thoughts, words, actions, intents and feelings all wrapped up neatly into this colorful expression of Who You Are Being at this juncture in time and space.
There is no faking this or cheating for the test with this. If you are not Being Love, Joy, Happiness, peaceful, trusting, loyal, harmonious, unified, forgiving, your field of energy, as always will define it.
This is an excellent time for you to ask for ALL to forgive you and for you to forgive ALL NOW. Holding just one judgement or grudge will keep you from the next level up, just ONE. Asking for forgiveness and forgiving ALL will take you UP.
“Keep” in “Mind” that your “AURA” is measure by your level of “HAPPY,” and that your are about to be blessed in ways words have no way to express the magnificence of, and you will be.
Happy entry~see you at the “TOP”