Please give me your message now, and begin by telling me with whom I am speaking.
Our name is one whom you call Noah. We are a group consciousness, as are most of the ones whom are channeled to you at this time. We come forth today simply to lighten things up for you just a bit.
You find yourselves today heaving a huge sigh of relief, having averted, even if temporarily, what seemed to be a major economic catastrophe which would have had consequences everywhere in your world. It seemed to you that it would have been as terrible as the catastrophe that we lived through. And in a manner of speaking, we suppose it might have been so.
What you have done, in actuality, is prevented inevitable changes from causing grief where no grief is necessary. And that is, of course a good thing. Do not allow yourselves to think, however, that those changes need not happen. The imbalance in your world needs to be, and will be, corrected. Far better however that it happen because of enlightened thinking and intentional improvement than because of some selfish and backward unwillingness to change, is this not so?
And so it seems that you have once again dodged the proverbial bullet. Recommended, it would seem, would be for you now to accept that the problem was caused a while back by your not assuming responsibility for understanding the effect your votes, or lack thereof, would have upon your future and then correcting that situation as soon as you are able. Too many who could vote do not do so. And too many who do are woefully in the dark as to what is truly going on in the process. And of course that plays directly into the hands of those who are emerging into your consciousness as your manipulators.
You are seeing how those cards are played now. Do you really wish to withhold the power of playing your own hand for all it is worth? Of course we can speak from the viewpoint of seeing all the cards around the table. And we do not presume to get involved in any actual to-ing and fro-ing. But let us say that you have it in your power now to advance far more quickly into the future you have chosen than you had previously. We are not saying that you need to throw yourselves into any type of action. We are only saying that it is time for you to be very clear on your own responsibility and educate yourself as well as you can on the true workings of your society. Then do not allow yourself to think it will all be OK if you do nothing.
The end will be achieved. The only thing is question is when and how. We are pointing out an opportunity, that is all. We could say that you could build an ark or you could wait to see if the rain will stop.
Thank you for letting us have our bit of fun. We have taken our rare chance today. Do you now take yours.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
But does my vote matter???
I have always voted, but lately have been considering not participating because both parties share the same bedfellows and are bought and paid for by the corps and are threatened and blackmailed by the cabal. I kind of believe now that our "candidates" are selected before I even reach the voting machine. Not to mention that my vote disappears into a computer the moment I push the button, and who can trust it then? Is not the citizen vote a game played to make the us feel like we have some kind of power?
Is this supposed to be "channelled?"
David Porter
Author of the series
The beginning sure seems to
The beginning sure seems to imply that.
I think where out of synch
I am now just getting the messages and they are rising to synch with time also this acquired entry might as well been channeled, speaking to Oneself from a Unity cycle again, Noah is the Team or energies and the cycle is the opportunity to create what is known from our world and put it up by intent to maximize the potential outflow of information being gathered within our beings so I'm only as sure as well ever be.
Namaste :) haha
I got a keyboard
It's wireless and I just notice from today the MK 42 symbol in One of the vids this morning, my keyboard rights up top MK 320 LOL woww and it probly really is related to it since my computers have been going crazy this past week, crazie frequencies emitting from them, plus all the chemtrails I wonder why they do these things??
It's neither
for good or bad that I know plus the withe trucks and cars that come park in front of my house sometimes they're pretty special some of them I wonder what they acquired from my past trip in august, I had some strong combinations at work in that time...
Wireless routers
it's their main way to monitor what goes on in a household area, I wonder this is all reverse engineered from e.t. technology what's that about? Don't you wonder sometimes what they are trying to accomplish? I know I say a lot sometimes it can be as constructif or destructif to Ones on the other side, I already though about channeled messages working with all that stuff, maybe that's how most of it comes up, I would like to go to a place where we aren't monitored or a complete electrical shutdown for a whole day at least no radio frequencies, nothing, to see what it feels like. It probably encompasses the whole earth now with the satellites and all that, it would be nice to feel one day without, what do you think? I feel it would do some good. The stories are all the same but what gives to believe or think or KNOW that it's already going on why not just invent something to disrupt all the unnatural frequencies and see where that brings us to. Maybe that's what meditation is for? I never though of that, that's nice.
Well namaste Once again haha