~ What Do you Like Best About the Galactic Free Press?~

Lia's picture

From the 5d Frequency Room http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
I wanted to share some of the awesomeness from the chat room!
Hope you enjoy it:

Silver asks, "What do you like best about the press?"

[11:22 AM] infinitebeing: gfp has the best vibes of LOOOOVE
[11:22 AM] arica: I like the forums and meet and greet so far
[11:22 AM] rebecca_silveous: LIght beings
[11:22 AM] traines: information !!!!
[11:22 AM] skypilot28: I love the energies I get from reading the articles posted, the variety of info
[11:23 AM] toronca: questions awswered in real time
[11:23 AM] kelly_crawfordraines: I love the love and beautiful souls.
[11:23 AM] captainplanet: I like the feelings
[11:23 AM] shiningsoul: information that resonates
[11:23 AM] fran: the awesome energies, articles and tinychat
[11:23 AM] infinitebeing: heart intelligence
[11:23 AM] arica: art and music talk
[11:23 AM] seraphin: The synchro's
[11:24 AM] captainplanet: not trying to sell me anything
[11:24 AM] seraphin: yes cap!
[11:24 AM] fran: ships partying with us
[11:24 AM] toronca: yes it brings up my vibration when i am in this chat line
[11:24 AM] arica: they talk about weather and news

What Do You Like Best About the Press?



I like...

BelindaLove's picture
I Love that I feel like I've come in from the coldest Canadian snowstorm, to a place where my Heart warms up from all the Love in the chat room! I feel hugs, and so Loved and accepted there, just because I'm there!! Thank You Family!! I Love You!!!

Angelic website

jason.harshe's picture

This website has been a blessing in my life. I visit this site every day multiple times and it has helped with understanding the world and who I am. The articles are positive and uplifting and the real news posts bring me a sense of hope as true change is really happening everywhere. The recent eclipse has been powerful for me personally and coming here for information explains why I've been experiencing the various energies in my life. This is a website truly brought to us by our galactic family and it is wonderful.