By:, 10/19/2013
God said:
Wherever you are, whomever you are with, no matter what is going on, will you come from a place of peace deep within you? This place exists, beloveds, and it exists within you. Gravitate to this place. It is yours. It belongs to you. I gave it to you. It is yours forevermore.
This special place is for you at every moment. It waits for you. It is always here within you. This place doesn’t move. You simply have to settle down to it. You have to claim it. It is like you have an especially reserved seat at a wedding dinner. The seat waits for you. It is absolutely reserved for you and no one else. You have to find it. Once you find it, you sit in it. Open yourself to peace.
Here you are settled deep into the peace of God. Whatever noise is going on, whatever disturbance there may be in the world, you are out of reach in your seat of peace. Be here. Be here always where you are Mine and you claim the Peace of God.
You can always meet Me here. I am always always always waiting for you to stop in and to stay.
What makes you think that you ever have to leave My warmth and succor? You can simply stay. You don’t have to wander in and wander out. Why would you ever choose to be anywhere but with Me? Stay with Me in peace, and peace is yours.
You have had enough wildness in life. You have been peremptory. You have had enough of it. You have had enough of shock, upset, awkwardness. Now, have enough of peace, another word for settledness, country roads, peaceful terrain, where you are sitting in green pastures and are out of the fray. Do you really want to be in the fray? Do you really want to be in the middle of rushing and upset?
What are you saying when you leave the green pastures of equanimity? What are you trading the peace of My heart for? Do you really want the excitement of wildness over the settledness of being at peace?
Peace is enlivening, beloveds. In the midst of peace, you are in the glow of love, and, tell Me, if you please, what serves you better than this? Would you choose excitation over peace? May you would, yet what price excitement? It comes at a price, beloveds. It comes at the price of peace.
Well, oh, yes, this isn’t the first time you have chosen glitter for gold. May it be the last!
You are not running away when you decide on peace over roughness. You never had to choose war over peace in terms of your life. Do not think you are supposed to fight peace. Do not think this is doing the right thing.
You are not brave to rush into the fray. Who needs you to be ready for anything that rushes in to disturb your peace? Decide where your courage lies, beloveds. The world is not to choose your meeting place. You choose the life you desire. This is not a decision to be left up in the air. You do not always have to be game for whatever clouds are on the horizon.
Do you really think you serve yourself and others by being in high gear? What gift would you love to give others – franticness or peace, upset or calmness? Beloveds, even in the midst of external war, you can be calm. You can choose the peace that underlies you.
Come to stillness. In stillness is the power. From stillness comes success. I intend success to be yours, beloveds. I never wanted anything else for you. I will accompany you to where the green grass grows, and skies are blue, and your heart rests in Me.