Scorpio Solar Eclipse and New Moon:

Lia's picture

Sunday, November 3rd's Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees has so much energetic intensity associated with it that we must be careful about where we wield our swords, how we direct our emotional energy, and how responsible we are being to our human Selves and our Higher Selves at this time.


Your Higher Self wants you to grow beyond anything you've experienced before, and in order for that to happen, you have to leave some stuff behind. You can't carry everything – and do you really want to? - so what are you choosing to let go because you feel it has already served its purpose?


Many planets are huddled together in this New Moon. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node are all between 7 and 13 degrees of Scorpio. It's okay if all you want to do is NOTHING right now. Or, on the flip side, you may want to do EVERYTHING. Scorpio loves extremes. Pluto in Capricorn sextiling these planets means permanent change is happening behind the scenes and underground. Mars in Virgo is playing nicely with everyone at this time too, offering practical, grounded ways of completing tasks, so pace yourself if possible. I'm getting the image of a turtle (third time in the past few days this has come up).


I feel this Solar Eclipse is a timeline change. What does that mean? A door has permanently closed on certain energies that are complete for you (you know what this is for you, although it may be in your subconscious), and that door cannot be re-opened. Bolted shut, over, done. Buh-bye. A part of you has graduated into a new field of experiences, and truthfully, it may feel like a death on some level.


When a door is closed, a swoosh occurs as the backair kicks up residue, debris, and anything lingering in the door's path to closure. You may be feeling that swoosh in yourself. If crazy, unexpected emotions, or energies, or thoughts come up for you, that's probably what it is. Chocolate cures everything.


New Moon energies are about beginnings, and with the potent power of the Solar Eclipse, we are receiving a burst of forward movement into a new paradigm of our own power. Energies associated with this New Moon include meeting more of our Shadow Self with its secret desires, lingering pains, self-sabotage tendencies, self-applied limitations, and any area of life where you feel stuck and think the power to change is outside of yourself.


So, what does owning your power mean to you right now? Do you need to stand up for yourself more? Call out the truth to yourself of who you are? Honor your needs more? Let some people go so you can meet new friends? Get excited again about your soul purpose? Dream bigger and really, truly follow a passion at this time?


Energies are big right now, no doubt about it, but that's because you are becoming bigger in your own energy.


Here's a lovely little exercise to move the energies along:


1) Recognize all the ways you have grown, healed, and transformed since 1994.  (YES, 1994.) Send Love and Gratitude to all parts of your journey. Appreciate what you've learned and how much of your Self you've discovered.


2) Then, write out a brand new Intention list for what you want to create now that honors who you are now. Fresh start, new dreams, higher energies, more awesomeness, all of it. Don't hold back anything. Maybe you've done that before and it's time to change that approach.


See, we had a similar Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at 11 degrees back in November 1994 that initiated deeper parts of your Soul's journey. That phase is completing and this new cycle will be in motion for the next 19 years. Eclipses run in 19 year cycles and we have multiple energies from each eclipse happening simultaneously. The next set of eclipses will be in April 2014, and the themes of abundance, relationships, and self-worth will be the name of the game-changing days


Venus is at 28 degrees Sagittarius during this Solar Eclipse, and this point in the zodiac is connected with the Galactic Center, the center point of our Universe.


Set your intentions to allow the highest vibrations of LOVE (all caps!) to flow into your energy field and flood everything around you. Love of Self and Love of others can heal, enlighten, forgive, and release all lower energies. We “know” this, but it's come time to make sure we are actively and powerfully applying it in our lives.


I talked more about the energies of November in this radio show with Shannon Laackmann, the Psychic Cowgirl, so click on over for a deeper conversation around what's going on throughout this month.
