The Oracle Report for Monday, November 4, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 11/04/2013

New Moon Phase: begin, emerge, intend


Moon: Scorpio


Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala


Sunday's report on the New Moon in Scorpio remains posted below for anyone who missed it.


Today's energy requires us to try things a different way or to start over all together.  Mercury remains retrograde, making it hard to progress with things (especially if electronics, communications/internet, and travel are involved).  Keep in mind it may take a couple of tries with things and try to avoid getting frustrated.  Wise owls move around obstacles, finding alternatives.


Venus is activating shadow sides today.  This means fears surface.  Those who are unaware of their shadow sides tend to project their fears onto others.  Since the Black Moon, the astrological body that identifies our shadow side, is in Cancer, issues related to emotional, financial, and physical support, as well as appreciation and dependency crop up in general.  (New readers can look up the sign of their Black Moon in the Appendix of my book The Astrology of the Black Moon: A Guide to Healing the Shadow Side and then read about that sign in chapter 2.  The book is available for free at under the Books tab at the top.)


It is very important today to not take on too much of a load.  Don't take on too much responsibility or burden yourself with a "load" of worry.  As discussed yesterday, the Mahavidya/Wisdom Goddess Kamala brings transcendence of limitations.  Kamala uplifts, so if we are mentally burdening ourselves, we are weighing ourselves down, thus making it harder for Kamala's energy to work.  The Moon will help matters when it moves out of heavy Scorpio and into lofty Sagittarius around 3:15 pm EST / 8:15 pm UTC.


Kamala brings assurance.  If you were assured, would you be limitless?  Shadows, darkness, and fear projections have been imprinted into today's energy for a long time, but it doesn't matter.  It's like this: Shadows crop up, we see them, they may be big, whatever, move on, other things to do, there they go, they are falling away, see this, over here, look what's being created!


That's how Kamala works.  You have to reach up to a different stream of consciousness.  Give it a try.  She's sure to lift you.


Sunday, November 3, 2013 - New Moon in Scorpio


The lunar month of the New Moon in Scorpio begins today, and with it the return of the Mahavidyas, specifically the Mahavidya Kamala, the Lotus Goddess Who Brings Transcendence of Limitations.


The lotus is the flower that is rooted in mud but whose petals are uncontaminated by it.  It rises from limitation.


Kamala comes on at the perfect time, of course, as the energy of the New Moon at 12 Scorpio is the Sabian symbol "an official embassy ball," which implies all types of limitations.  This symbol represents strict protocol, political theatre couched in the appearance of something it is not (an official embassy ball would be one of my last ideas of fun), and limitations of so-called social constraints.


With this, Saturn, the vibrational home-base of all things (and beings) based on control is conjunct the New Moon in Scorpio.  Saturn is the epitome of limitations, restrictions, parochialism, orderliness, containment, structure, and paternality.  Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto, is the archetypal energy of power, domination, rulership, wealth, death, and transformation.  So with Saturn in Scorpio conjunct the New Moon in Scorpio we get all things associated with power and control.


Kamala, the Lotus Goddess Who Brings Transcendence of Limitations, by the end of the lunar cycle of eight phases, will overrule efforts based on power and control and will also remove ties that bind us, especially the ignorance we have about who we really are and how powerful we are.


Kamala is always listed as the tenth, or last Mahavidya.  This is because she is the Mahavidya (Wisdom Goddess) who is "closest" to humanity and therefore easiest for anyone on the planet to connect with.  She maintains a vibrational range that is moderate or median, enabling the mass level of consciousness to become more aware - to become wiser.  For this reason she is often associated with worldly matters.


But Kamala should not be underestimated because she is not limited.  She works with wordly matters and social order, but she also works with cosmic matters and natural order.  As such, she is the Goddess of Assurance.


This month holds the potential for great theatrics, but the lasting effects of the energy will be suredness, vision, stability, and freedom from restrictions.  Everyone will see themselves better and be wiser by month's end.  It will happen in varying degrees, swept along by Kamala's energy, but everyone will come closer to the actualizing the vision for humanity.


New Moons are the time to set intentions.  Let's intend limitlessness.

