Heavenletter #4728 ~ Ode to Life

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By: Heavenletters.org, 11/04/2013

God said:


Language can be straight on, and it can be as elusive as life itself.


There is no time to waste. There is no time to waste because there is no time. Time does not exist, so how can it be wasted? Much of the illusion in the world that is portrayed by speech or misconstrued by speech, is all made up and sanctioned as true, blessed as true. There is even scientific verification of all that which cannot be verified except as the unverified is wildly verified.


The passage of time that is experienced on Earth is very much like falling through space, and, yet, space does not really exist either, and, yet, space is part of the excitation of life on Earth.


Everything on Earth certainly seems real. It is accepted as real. How would you manage on Earth without credence to the fiction that is called real yet is not? To go somewhere, you have to take a direction. How would you find 3rd Street unless you paid attention? Directions are given, and recipes are followed, and all is fiction at the same time as fiction’s beauty is real and love is real and so much of the non-reality stirs within you remembrance of Me.


Yes, of course, I, too, am in the details. I am the Underlying Reality, and, along with you, I play in the field of Earth. We commune, you and I, no matter what. Nothing keeps us apart. Wherever you seemingly are, I AM. Where you seemingly are not, I AM. Even though there is no where, I am everywhere. Nothing that you believe exists may exist, and yet I exist within everything.


We walk on Earth despite its negligibility. It can be said that We walk on air, the very air you breathe on Earth and that I gave you to breathe for the sake of the body which does not altogether exist except in overt dimension in the world which, in truth, is dimensionless. No wonder you live in a quandary. Slippery is the ground under your feet, for, even as I say all this, there is no ground under your feet even as gravity seemingly holds you.


The only foundation of Earth is I. Evidence of Me is seen, and yet I Who make all the material am not material. And, yet, human life is deep, and human life is worthwhile, and human life, even as it is a passing illusion, serves Reality well. Through unreality, you come to Reality which is I and which is you.


Long live life, this exploration of figurativeness. Hail to life. Ode to life. Ode to the beating hearts who live life and make it worthwhile, make it dear, make it lively, this temporary passage on Earth that is a deep-seated dream, a conclusion drawn, a will o the wisp, is a learning experience regardless. Yes, you learn a lot in this fiction you live. You tell a story, and it is a story worth telling.


There is no up and there is no down for such directions do not really exist, and, just the same, your life goes up, and your life goes down, and your fictitious physical life is for something, and you make it true while it lasts, not only actualized but worthwhile, purposeful, life-defining, even as definition doesn’t really mean anything more than direction does, and yet, and yet, life is so, and life is valuable, and life which is ongoing and unforgettable is forgotten and sinks through the space that does not exist either, yet how important, how necessary this fiction on Earth is to mankind, and to you, and to Me even as there is non-material life greater than life on Earth, for this greater is Eternal, and you are Eternity and Infinity rolled into One.






Profound and Poetic

Alanry's picture

A Hugimungous Thank You for this profound and most poetical mystically logical prose piece!

