~ Astrolgical Report~ From Gaia Earth Star

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Hello Beautiful Ones, How are you feeling after this powerful Solar Eclipse New Moon this past week end? Venus, the planet of Love, Beauty and Money has now moved into Earthy and Practical Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. A beautiful and productive 4 months are awaiting us, assisting us in building and living our personal dream, fulfilling our Soul mission on Planet Earth, this 3D dimension which Saturn rules. Clarity, Practicality, Commitment, Focus, Hard-Work are all on the menu. Yes, Roma was not built in one day!:)

I always am excited to work with Saturn energies as it helps us ground the heavenly and cosmic ones unto this reality. You might have encountered those beings that speak wonderful words but somehow you know they do not really walk their talk...well Saturn is this energy that make sure that whatever words you speak you will come through, in that sense it will show you your shortcomings if necessary. I am one of those who prefer to face the truth rather than live in self-deception. What about you? And yes, sometimes Truth about ourselves hurts but from that point of honesty and compassion for oneself we can learn and grow to be more of our authentic self in our human body.

We know by now that time is an illusion, that everything happens in the now, though in this 3D game, we are ruled by the illusion of time, by Saturn! I highly recommend to start a friendship with Saturn, the Master Builder and Achiever, as your dream will not come true without its solid and compassionate help. Saturn is not a malefic planet as I have heard from some, it does seem harsh as much as one resist his/her destiny, what one has sign up to accomplish and develop in this life. Saturn, is the Great Teacher reminding you of your Soul purpose, showing you where you sabotage and limit yourself. "You say you want to feel loved....well, I need to show you where you do not love yourself, where you let yourself down....because I love you and I want you to feel it, to feel you are worth it, a beautiful creation of the One here on Planet Earth, with a purpose and I will help you fulfill your Soul mission, I will not let you down but you must trust me and commit...!" This is Saturn talking to you!

Venus also ruled the Art, so tune into your talents, whatever it might be, and create the life you desire and dream of. Your dream is right behind the fear that has been holding you until now...Trust yourself, trust life and remember that Life is on your Side. (A message from your beloved Saturn)

A powerful crystal to work with during this time is Black Obsidian. If you are serious about getting it together and doing the work you came here to do, it will lead you to your self-mastery. Be aware, this crystal will bring tremendous change in your life, so you must be willing to let go of the old you if necessary. If you desire more infos on how to work with black obsidian please email me at gaia@gaiaearthstar.com or pm.


Mother Earth Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
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