By:, 11/10/2013
God said:
What if the way you have thought about someone or something isn’t so absolutely right as you have thought? What if your thinking is askew? What is so important to you that you may feel you must keep the same way of thinking? We are talking about the way you think and the thoughts you have. You always are thinking something.
One way of thinking doesn’t have to be your lifeline. Your way of thinking is a precursor to the unfolding of your life. There are many ways of thinking. Be open to new ways of thinking or rethinking.
It is possible to think differently from the way you always have. You do not know the sum total of everything or anything, beloveds. Because you think a certain way doesn’t make what you think true – except it’s true to you. What you think, what you conclude, what you fear may indeed predicate your life. A thought process may be set in motion which will make your way of thinking come true, and, therefore, seem to prove true.
The way you think may not be all conclusive. You can have dooming predictions that do not come true, yet, meanwhile, you lived through dooming predictions. You could see and feel wonderful events that do not come true or have not yet come true. Meanwhile, however, you had uplifting thoughts that weigh their weight in gold. Uplifting thoughts carry you forward. Uplifting thoughts influence your take on life and, therefore, your life itself.
Fear not. Predict the life you want with the thoughts you choose. Who is better than you to predict what your life is going to look like.
You live by your thoughts. Your thoughts are your guide to life. What are your thoughts? Where do your thoughts take you? What thought leads to another? Your fate is not sealed. Your destination to be wholly with Me is irrefutable. Your destination is to be wholly with Me. There is no stopping that outcome. Let your outlook be equal to the outcome that is bound to come.
By no means is fate only strokes of luck. Your words, your thoughts steer your perception of life. In any case, you are the one who stirs your life and steers your life in the way it will go. You, and you alone are accountable for your life. Make Me your partner.
What may seem random is not random, or it may be random from anything you can see. And, no matter, what occurs in your life occurs, you make of it what you will.
Remember the theme of your life is to move forward. Moving forward forebears analysis. It is a foregone conclusion that life will lead you somewhere. You do influence your life and the lives of those around you.
Many relationships are like skirmishes. Choose a direction in your life, and move toward the direction you chose. You may not control your life much or at all, and yet you choose the direction you go in.
Choose happiness by the direction of your thoughts. Choose good will for yourself and others. Be the bird who leads a V-formation. And if you are a bird that is in the back of the V, meanwhile, go with the flock that knows where it is going which is, forward. Leave behind you what is behind you and move forward.
Do you hesitate? Regardless, you will move forward. Leap forth rather than be dragged. Make your choice to leap forward. Opportunity is right around the corner. Let go of the past and leap forward. The more you leap forward, the closer you are to Me.