Rain a 'godsend' in parts of NSW

Silver's picture

ABC, By: David Claughton, Alex Blucher and Skye Manson, 11/12/2013

Rain across parts of New South Wales has improved the mood and prospects for many farmers. There were heavy falls on the north coast and up to 50 millimetres across inland areas that had been dry, although areas in drought in the far west have missed out.


In the state's south-east, farmers were calling it a 'green drought' last week, but Monaro wool grower Brian Clifford says this rain is a godsend. "We got the wind and hot weather in October that really dried the ground right out," he said. "It was disastrous really, until this change. It's cooled off and there's a bit of rain, so especially at our altitude at Shannon's Flat, we're close to 1,200 metres, it'll keep us green until Christmas."


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