By:, 11/12/2013
God said:
If life is not all about your individual life, and it is not, what are you on Earth for then?
Beloveds, you are here to serve.
From the moment you were born, you served your parents as their child. You were born for more than yourself. You were born to give service from your heart.
At the beginning of your birth, your life included a small circle, and, as you grew, your circle grew. Or, perhaps I should say that your conscious awareness of how far you extended grew. Now you know that your Being and your thoughts encircle the whole Universe and beyond and make all the difference in the world.
Beloveds, you transcend yourself.
We could say that you are here on Earth for greater than your personal expansion. You are here as a gift for the world and for greater than the world. You are a gift on Earth for Me, beloveds, Certainly, you are here for the growth of yourself. Your heart grows. This means your heart grows to Greater Love until your heart loves without exception, and so you fulfill My plan for the world. You are to usher in Paradise. You make it possible. Your heart reunites all hearts through the love in your heart that thrums the beat of My love.
Admit, dear ones, admit that your perception of love has had its smallness, pettiness, stunted growth. I do not speak of your capacity. I speak of your usage, your practice and, most likely, your resistance to love, coming or going. I speak of the development of your heart, its progress, its outreach, its value to all of Heaven and Earth.
Do you know that love from your heart is to reach everyone? Everyone alive on Earth today as well as everyone who is no longer on Earth today in his costume.
There will come a time – believe it – when your heart will send out radiance of love, and that is all it will send out. Your heart will do that because you are here to grow in love. Although significant to you, what balance you have in your bank account is of no account. What does count is the love in your heart that you spend. How ornery can it be that you can spend money like water, and yet you stint on love? You conserve your love. Saving your love is a waste of time. It is nonsense. It is against the laws of nature to keep your love in reserve. It is folly. SPEND YOUR LOVE. Just let love rise until it reaches the heights. Let love be your Name as it is Mine. Why not love?
We do not speak of a show of love. We speak of True Simple Love that bubbles in your heart and must alight somewhere. We speak of when your heart bursts with love and the only consequence is that there is more love in your heart than you know what to do with, and so you love every creature, great and small. Love goes before you, and love follows you, and you are My instrument of love. No longer do you even resemble the accountant of love you sat yourself down to be.
You have observed many levels or layers of love, love with sugar and love with salt. What We are talking about now is pure love like a high note that a great opera singer reaches. The high note is simply there and wants to be sung. The high note has to go somewhere because love is about letting go, letting go of restrictions, letting go of withdrawal and about giving itself away. Of course, this is ironic for the more love you give, the more love that you have to give. You had it all backwards.
Who are you really? You are really love. Let go of your attachment to the past and to the future. Keep no records, and you will be the Vastness of love in bloom.