Elephant Journal |
“An open mind represents the capacity to see the world with fresh eyes and to suspend old habits of thought. An open heart means the capacity to empathize, to see any situation through the eyes of someone else. And an open will is the capacity of letting-go and “letting-come:” letting-go of old identities (like “us versus them”), and letting-come a new sense of self and what that shift can make possible.” ~Otto Scharmer
A Full Moon always brings a change in point of view. The Moon (instincts/behavior patterns) and Earth (Mother of humans) merge for a moment at 25 Taurus opposite the Sun (life force) on November 17th. Tension. Clarity begins to form. Recognition. Resolution. The Full Moon Eclipse Sandwich period between October 18, 2013 and April 15, 2014 is literally a “field of possibility.” Adjustment. Creation. Choice. Personally. Locally. Globally. Discernment. Do you trust the Knowledge that your Creator entrusted within you? Listen.
Venus rules relationship and money. She is the Divine Mother/Feminine and as ruler of Taurus, the sign of Mother Earth, Mama Gaia, groundedness, what’s valuable to me and solid objects, She is host for this get-to-get-her. She shares her gifts with each of us. We Re-ceive. In June 2012 Venus’ once-in-a-lifetime Transit of the Sun heralded a new beginning in alternative lifestyle acceptance and this week saw the US Senate passed a new Gay Right’s Bill (non-discrimination in the work-place). 18 months after the fact.
Change takes time! She and Pluto (total control/power) merge on the 15th @ 9 Capricorn (authority/status quo) waking each of us up to the illusion of control in our lives. When we seek to control others/situations we find “I do unto others as I do unto myself,” so we all lose. This is a trigger, so heads up! Relationships involving sex, money and power (don’t they all?) may need to be balanced out. And so it begins……
Quantum possibility. Sub-atomic choice. The moment we observe something is the very moment we change the outcome! OBSERVE! We are in the process, as a race, of leaving the Age of Pisces behind and crawling toward the gate of the Age of Aquarius. The SPACE BE-TWEEN! It takes time. Coexist. We are NOT our human body, it’s something we wear. Are we really Eternal Beings? What do you think? Do we each have a goal, a mission, a destiny here on Spaceship Earth or are we just here for a “good time?” Do you have a mission, goal or destiny to full-fill? It’s time to find out. Something is bubbling up to the surface. Tolerance. Acceptance. Self-sustaining. Working together. Sharing. SHIFT HAPPENS!
Mercury (messenger) merged with the North Node (Soul direction) and Saturn (time/response-able) in Scorpio on 9/17, 10 6-8th, 10/30, and 11/3 (if your birthday is +/- 2 days of these dates PAY ATTENTION, your new direction is self-evident). Mercury is retrograde so our thinking, communication and memory has been reviewed in very slow motion. Going direct on November 10th it will merge one last time on the 19th with the North Node and with Saturn on the 26th.
We expand the edge of personal boundary. Turn an enemy into a friend. Is that possible? Absolutely! Know your enemy and you will find yourself. Enemies are nothing more than a projection of our personal enemy within! Recognition brings new strength. We all have weaknesses and insecurities! In order to be whole, we all need to admit our wrongs and, somehow, make restitution, if you haven’t already. Who do we have on our list? It takes courage to speak personal truth!
Elephant Journal |
We all have cherished beliefs (or should I say illusions) that hold us back, get in our way and/or keep us from reaching our potential. Comet ISON is the Heavenly Messenger and Jupiter expands and magnifies. There is tension here at 20 Cancer/Libra. Time to explore personal beliefs. Beliefs are our most favorite illusions. Life, if we listen to it, has a way of pushing us beyond our beliefs (illusions) about ourselves and our world. Comet ISON will take the plunge into the Sun on Thanksgiving Day (in USA) on the 28th and if it survives it should put on quite a show for Spaceship Earth. The bigger the “show,” the bigger the changes. Click here to find out how to see it!
Some will be thrashing about, some will be going back and forth and some will be riveted in place as activation begins within. The myth, the legend, the story. One of the first signs of spiritual awakening is the desire to “go home.” Many will discover the desire to find “home” during this Full Moon. It’s the path of always-having-known-these things-before that reawakens individuals in a whole new sense, which becomes life-giving and life-renewing. It’s in front of us all the time, the problem we have in “seeing” is that our beliefs create the illusion. Seeds were planted long, long, long ago. We are the 7th Generation and we wipe the slate clean yet once again.
Check your progress. Do not compare yourself to others. That’s a trick. Look at how much you’ve changed internally since the beginning of 2013, since June 2012, and Spring 2010? If there are others who can still get on your last nerve, push your button, or piss you off I have a suggestion. No, it’s not a quick-instant-gratification-fix, but it will cure you of your illusions within 3-6 months. This is Soul-Crafting. Whether it’s a person, group or belief that angers or riles you up, it’s time to interact. Start small by subscribing to a blog that’s opposite of your politically or philosophically. Just find something you disagree with. Or, if you’re feeling particularly bold start a dialogue with someone you disagree with. Go into it all with an open mind. Just observe! You might discover that both sides want the same thing, but are using different language. Until we all learn to get along we will never be able to turn an enemy into a friend. We’re all in it to-get-her.
What is that smell? Globally, watch the next 2 weeks as there is something that stinks! How horrible is it to be rotting away at the wrong place at the wrong time? What makes it worse is when everybody knows about it, but nobody does anything about it. Something old and stinky is going to be played back for each of us to observe. It’s time to forgive it and just move on, no matter how sickening it was at ‘that’ time. Rise above it! OBSERVE carefully, LISTEN within and TRUST YOURSELF! If we can’t move on, we will keep playing it out, over and over and over. Remember, progress is a process, not a one-time-event! Let’s clear the air, once and for all, shall we?
“Across the board, we collectively create outcomes (and side effects) that nobody wants. Yet the key decision makers do not feel capable of redirecting this course of events in any significant way. They feel just as trapped as the rest of us in what often seems to be a race to the bottom. The same problem affects our massive institutional failure: we haven’t learned to mold, bend, and transform our centuries-old collective patterns of thinking, conversing, and institutionalizing to fit the realities of today.” ~Otto Scharmer