The Oracle Report for Friday, November 22, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 11/22/2013

Disseminating Moon Phase: share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences since the New Moon


Moon: Cancer/Leo


Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala, the Lotus Goddess


The highest octave of masculine energy, the sacred masculine, comes forward today.  The sacred masculine has always been present, but has been dormant for millenia.  This is changing now and is most welcome.  It will be a beautiful thing for wise owls to see unfolding.


Masculine energy protects and defends.  It facilitates the framework for security and happiness.  It takes joy in the ability to do so.  The decimation of the sacred masculine, which occurred right alongside the decimation of the sacred feminine as patriarchy - unholy masculine, has been a key component in the enslavement of the mind of humanity.  Without this defense, we have been overrun by insane mind intruders and parasites.  This is a discussion too long to be introduced in the daily report, but I will begin to elaborate in a recording later today.  I highlight the word "begin" because this is merely just the beginning of the subject.  And since this is a teaching welling up from the great goddess Gaia-Sophia herself, you will see many people begin to talk about the sacred masculine in a new way.  Many have been holding the torch of this for some time, but now it rises for return.  This is part of putting things on correct course.  When we return to wisdom, we return to balance - to sanity.  We return to love.


On the micro level of our lives today, the physical body is in focus.  Our physical bodies bear the brunt of intense planetary and solar dynamics, and they've taken a beating the past couple of weeks with the X-flare activity, Venus-Pluto conjunction, and quadruple Full Moon energy.  Do something kind for yourself.  Walks are good.


If something in your life is not working, consider different combinations or an entire alternative.  Be clear about what is pointless to continue.  Don't obscure this from yourself.  We are still in a lunar month that is like a long Full Moon, so powers of clarity and discernment are at max through the end of the next Moon phase, the Third Quarter Moon phase.


And, one of the things that makes for another happy day, is how people of like mind - pioneers and warriors of the heart who have traveled on their own journey all of these years - are coming together in a multitude of ways.  This is building and this is the way it will be from now on.


Make no mistake.  This day's energy is not the reenactment of the Death of the King.  It is the celebration of the Return of the Kings.  Joy.

