Heavenletter #4746 ~ You are Stars God Has Sent to Earth

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By: Heavenletters.org, 11/22/2013

God said:


Serve Me. Serve All. As you serve Me, you serve All. As you serve All, you serve Me.


Don’t be timid about it. Be bold about it.


Serve others, and you serve yourself.


Do not feel that you have anything to make up to others. You are not atoning. If you atone, you are atoning for yourself.


Give good service to All. This means service with a smile. You serve without being a servant. Do you see the difference?


You are one who also serves. You are a service-giver. And if you wash dishes and scrub floors, you are the best dishwasher and floorwasher you can be. If you are an accountant, you give your best to it. If you are a programmer, you give your all. You do not cut corners. You do not do the least. To serve doesn’t mean to just go through motions. It means to give because you give.


Whatever your occupation may be, you are a customer representative. You serve. You serve well. You are My customer representative. No matter what company may hire you, you work for Me. On the job, or off the job, whether you are the giver or the receiver, you are representing Me. You log-in for Me. You do not represent yourself as such. You represent Me, and, therefore, you represent your Self.


How important your service is to the world. Just to think of it. You help people to be valued on My behalf. You are My Welcomer, and it is for you to welcome everyone in My Name. You don’t have to say that’s what you’re doing. You don’t have to wear a badge. Simply, whatever your service, you give out a presence of love. When you say: “Glad to have met you,” be sure you mean it and make it possible for the customer – always My customer – to say the same and to mean it.


When you give good service on My behalf, you are not an imposter. You are not a fraud. You are the Real Thing.


If you give a drop of love, it is My drop of love that you give.


Is there someone else on whose behalf you would rather give?  Perhaps you have been giving on others’ behalf. Perhaps you have been giving back what you receive from your crabby boss or an irate customer of your own who passed on the irateness he got from someone else. You are always passing on something. You are always giving service of one kind or another. All the while, there is only My service worth your giving.


When you are My representative, you uplift the world. Unless you are uplifting a corner of the world, you are not representing Me. When you uplift a corner of the world, you are uplifting all the world. There is no one in the world who deserves less than the best from you. No excuses, beloved. That you are tired is no excuse. That you have had a hard day is no excuse. There is no excuse to represent less than your Best Self which is I.


If there could be a quota of grouchiness to apportion, clearly you have reached your quota. You have undoubtedly surpassed it. Now take all My love that is within you and start passing My love out, not obsequiously but as a strong light that will light other hearts and so light the world. It is not meant to be a secret that you are indeed stars I have sent to Earth and that you are to light the world, for you are above the world.



