Heavenletter #4759 ~ What a Dream We Are Dreaming

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/05/2013

God said:


Consider today a page in a book you are reading. Tomorrow you turn another page. Or so you imagine.


What is called the future is made of blank pages that will become the today’s page once more. It is like today is again and again.


On the human plane, your life is made of todays. What else could your life be made of? Certainly not this arbitrary past and future.


Your whole life is like pages you turn every day. To be more accurate, you turn a page every second. Your life is made of the page you turn right now. Now is today.


We can also say that you are kind of on an escalator. You pass by the demarcations of this moment, although, in truth, there are no demarcations. In the World of Truth, there is nothing to turn, and no one to turn it. OR, we can say it differently. You are the pages. You are the turner of the pages. You are the whole turning of the page. You are All.


In Truth, there are no pages to turn!


There is no speed for life to have a pace.


All of this that you call life and call your life is nothing at all. All the fleetingness is illusion. You are illusion, of course, utterly real in the world. That which you truly are is Eternal. That which is Eternal cannot be divided. Separation does not exist. Individuality does not truly exist although it is experienced. That I am One and you are One with Me, and, therefore, there is no you or others. There is no plural. There is I singular yet every day. In Truth, there is no concept of separation or even others to separate. Time cannot march on because there is no time.


All that truly exists is permanent. There is nothing to choose. There is nothing to pick but Oneness at the same time as there is no one to pick it. What a dream the Children of My Heart are dreaming.


In the world, dreams come true or do not come true. I always tell you that dreams come true. I speak to you in your dream, beloveds, and you hear Me. I tell you to awake!


There is One Dream. There is Oneness wherein there is nothing to dream. There is Oneness to live, and Oneness is the Dream Come True. There is One to dream the dream, and yet One is awake and full of Fullness.


Your dream of Oneness is already true. You can open your eyes now.


Only in the dream do you open and close your eyes. We can say that you Who are eyeless see and know everything. There are no eyes to blink, and nothing to blink at.


You may feel that this is a state of loneliness I am describing, a State of Nothingness. Beloveds, have you not entered this play in which Nothingness is Fullness?


Beyond the play We star in, is Everythingness. In your present state, you may prefer to think of Everythingness. You feel that Everythingness is plump, and Nothingness is skinny. Well, My dears, it doesn’t matter all that much what you think. You are traveling through Dreamtime or Dreamtime passes through you. Surely, Dreamtime passes. It is a flash.


You always lived in the Real. The dream was not real. You thought it was. All the drama was your Dream. Of course, I exist, and I am true, and you are true to Me in that I AM you. Oneness is. Love is. We are not delineated.


How can Oneness be delineated? How can Oneness not be when Oneness Is? Oneness is All That There Is, for I AM THAT, and, in Truth, you, the so-called you – YOU ARE THAT – only there is no you except in Relativity, so, in Reality, I AM THAT. At this stage of the game, you like most the idea that WE ARE THAT. We are ALL THIS.



