Your Guide to Planetary Energies for December 9 to 15, 2013

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Astrology Journal


By Pam Younghans


Today’s photo: Aurora borealis over Andøya Island, Norway on December 8, 2013 (photo by Frank Olsen, posted on
ASPECTS OF OPPORTUNITY are scattered throughout the coming week, amidst reminders of adjustments that must be made if we are to take full advantage of said opportunities.
The strongest aspect of the week, because it involves two of the slower-moving planets, is the Saturn-Jupiter trine. This aspect, exact on Thursday, is the congenial interaction of the planet of optimism (Jupiter) with the planet of realism (Saturn). When these two work in harmony together, there is support for making tangible progress in some area of our experience. That “area of experience” will vary for each of us, since it depends in part on where the two planets are transiting through our natal charts.
THIS IS THE SECOND of three trines that will occur between the two planets while Saturn is in Scorpio and Jupiter is in Cancer. The first trine was on July 17, and the third will be on May 24, 2014.
When an aspect occurs multiple times, we can consider the timeframe covered to represent the planetary themes in larger scale, rather than just affecting one or two weeks. Given that larger perspective, we can look back at events in July, consider they relate to now, and prepare for how this cycle may find its culmination in May of 2014.
AT THE TIME of the first trine in July, both Saturn and Jupiter were in forward motion. For this week’s trine, Jupiter is in retrograde (backward motion). Because of this, we will want to use this time to gain more insights about the progress we’ve made up to now, and want to make going forward. Questions we may ask include:
  • How do I need to adjust my trajectory to ensure greater emotional satisfaction in my life?
  • Are there other levels of personal truth I need to access with respect to my current projects? Am I missing anything that I will later wish I had paid attention to?
  • How can I think even bigger, believe in myself even more, and envision my ideals more fully?
  • How can I make myself even more available to the insights and guidance that support me, in physical and nonphysical ways?
If we focus on answering these questions now, our satisfaction with our progress next spring will be much enhanced.
OUR OTHER ASPECT of opportunity this week is exact on Tuesday, when Uranus trines Mercury. This is a shorter-lived influence, but worth paying attention to.
Uranus represents higher consciousness, while Mercury represents our logical, thinking mind. When these two planets work in harmony together, we want to be especially open to insights and ideas that seem to “come from nowhere” — those “aha” moments that can change our perspective in small or large ways.
I WAS LISTENING yesterday to Radiolab on National Public Radio, to a story about how the periodic table of elements was created. Evidently, Dmitri Mendeleev, the inventor, had been working for years exploring the elements and their qualities. He had even created his own deck of playing cards with each of the elements represented, and would play with them for hours in his spare time.
Then, one day, he had a magical dream, where he visualized the entire periodic table and how it should be organized — an organizational system that has proved to be incredible in its intricacy and the multiple ways that it provides information about the relationships between the elements.

HERE’S more of the story, as posted on the Dream Interpretation website:


“Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian aristocrat and academic with a vested interest in the basic elements of the universe that combine in all manner of forms to make up physical matter.

“Mendeleev could not comprehend or explain the seemingly random properties of these building blocks. That is, until one day whilst vacationing with his family, when he took a nap.

“Mendeleev had been listening to his family struggle to play chamber music. He grew tired and, upon excusing himself, went to bed and drifted off to sleep listening to the music.

“Mendeleev dreamed a vision of the basic elements of the universe flowing together in a manner akin to the progression of a musical sequence; orderly and beautiful. He awoke and outlined from his dream every element in order.”

This magical story comes to mind as I consider the Uranus-Mercury trine on Tuesday. It is this type of aspect that encourages our ability to access solutions and ideas from our higher mind.


Happy dreams, everyone!
