The Oracle Report for Monday, December 9, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 12/09/2013

First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action, grow, express


Moon: PIsces


Diamond Sky Dakinis Rule This Lunar Month, Not The Mahavidyas


AUDIO UPDATE 11/24/2013


We move to the First Quarter Moon phase today, continuing this lunar month's theme of "a flag that turns into an eagle that crows." Higher orders, ideals, visions, and powers flow through us strongly today, asking us to rise to what is worthwhile.  The energy calls us to spiritual action.


It takes a wise owl to see that what is truly worthwhile is anything which supports, respects, upholds, and dignifies the free and collaborative expression of the human mind with the planetary mind.  This expression is displayed through many things: relationships, work, parenting, art, music, dance, projects, etc.  Reverance is what transforms unconscious activities into sacred activities.  So all aspects of life are sacred when we hold reverance - love and respect - for them.  This notion or ideal should underpin all actions today.


There is also a strong protective element to today's energy.  Is there something you need to protect?  If unexpectedly called to respond to something, keep reverance and worthiness in mind.


This lunar month is the "Disseminating" time of year.  The natural order of life inclines us toward sharing and expressing our thoughts and ideas with others.  This is enhanced by the First Quarter phase of the moon which prompts us to step out and grow.  We grow when we share and receive feedback.  Collaborative processes make things stronger.


Many of the astrological influences today empasize the idea of "ascension" of consciousness.  I prefer to use the term "descension" to confer the idea that it is through the planet that we "ascend."  It would seem that we would look up to "rise," but it can actually only happen by looking all around.  We "ascend" by going down and through.  This is an esoteric way to say that grounding ourselves with nature is the only way we stay sane and grow.  Don't be carried off otherwise.


The idea today is to be lofty of mind while remaining firmly rooted.  It is a technique that is worthy of all wise owls.

