Heavenletter #4763 ~ Illusion Has a Role to Play

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/09/2013

God said:


Let Us sing praise for the gift of life you have been given. I gave it to you, beloveds. I gave it to you for good reason. I sent you out to play in the world and to make it beautiful. Life on Earth is important. Just because it is illusion doesn’t mean life in the world is unimportant.


True, life in the world isn’t everything, yet it is something. Living in illusion has a part to play, or why would illusion be? Being born is an event! The new soul on Earth is starting on an adventure that is unequaled. You who come to Earth are adventurers. You are on a mission. You may be sleeping, yet you are in the process of awakening while you are on Earth. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is a privilege to serve evolution on a day-to-day basis on this imagined planet and in this imagined life.


It is so real, so down-to-earth, how can it be illusion? When you remember where you came from and in Whose Image you are made, do you not know that you are a miracle? For Heaven’s sakes, of course, you are a bona fide miracle. I will tell you that what I do is make miracles. I sit in Eternity and Infinity. And you and the world emanate from My thought from where all things are possible, where everything is possible, even when all of the possible is illusion.


Infinity and Eternity are the field of all possibilities. The possibilities are played out, however, in illusion. Illusions are dreams, beloved, and you know I tell you to dream. I believe in you, even though your individuality is illusion. I tell you to dream and to dream big. I must believe in dreams and dreams within a dream. Dream on. Pull your dreams down from Heaven the way you would pull a white screen down and see yourself projected on it.


Yes, you are on display on Earth. This is the Greatest Show, the Greatest Show on Earth. It is always new, this show. It is the same story, yet it is always new. How many ways can a human life play out? Infinite are the ways. And, so, even on solid Earth, beloved, you are acting from Infinity.


Since accurately, We are One, you and I, I am having a Grand Dream of Light Showering from Me in Infinite Ways, I must be the Dreamer. You are definitely My Dream. The world is My Dream. You are My Dream, and I love you.


It must also be that I love a mystery as your individuality unfolds mystery.


I am secure in the knowledge that you are dreaming. You have fears. I have none. I have wonderment.


You see bad actors, and you dream of resulting emotions and such. I am always aware that you are in a dream. You forget life on Earth is a dream playing out on a screen. Yes, you are in a dimension, or We could say in suspended animation, suspended in color, seeming to move on a white background called a screen, seeming to use all the senses and often making no sense at all or making even nonsense.


Through it all, you come out unscathed, you understand. There is no danger. You come out from this dream untouched. All the imagined clouds disappear, and stars come out, and you remember where you really belong when you wake up from the dream you so entered into.


You played a part, and you played it well. And now you wake up to where you have been all the time as you thought you were somewhere else. You never left Home, and yet you came back, and the dream never was. 



