By:, 12/11/2013
God said:
And the opposite is also true.
Yes, it is good to express yourself. It is good to speak up. It is also good to be silent. You do not need to voice every thought aloud. A possibility exists to keep your opinions to yourself.
You do not have to teach others the error of their ways. You may wish to improve others for their own betterment. They may not want your suggestions. Your suggestions may fall on deaf ears.
No question, sometimes it is kindness to be direct. Even so, sometimes it is right for you to speak up, and sometimes it is not your business to straighten out anyone but yourself.
Beloveds, with all love for you, you are not the conductor of the orchestra of life.
Sometimes other people have to make their mistakes, and sometimes you have to make yours.
In terms of the relative world, how do you even know what is right and what is wrong? What seems wrong could be right under certain circumstances, and what is right could also be wrong. And even when a choice seems right or seems wrong, how do you know? The story isn’t over yet. Something you said that turned out to be wrong could later prove right. Yet, in the world, who has the final say about right or wrong anyway?
Of course, you want to do the right thing. At the same time, you cannot always live up to what the world calls perfection. That, too, could be a waste of your life, to always be evaluating yourself according to perfection. Is this living life?
Every human being on Earth sees differently from you. You may agree in ten things and not in ten others. Who is to have the final say? Who is to say that you should sit in one chair and not another?
If I can give you free will, will you at least consider giving a modicum of free will to others as well?
Of course, you have the free will to tell anyone or everyone what to do, and, yet, why would you?
Beloveds, there is more than one way to butter bread.
You desire to be relaxed, do you agree? Then be relaxed. When you want to tell others what to say and do, you are not relaxed.
I am the first to tell you that you are responsible for everyone. Every thought of yours affects everyone else. Yet your responsibility does not extend to telling everyone else what to do and what not to do and how to do it.
And, so, if you would like to be relaxed, unwind yourself. Let go of your self-imposed authority. You may well have been imposing on yourself as well as others. Let go of the reins. Stay out of directing other people’s lives. Well, if they ask you, then it’s up to you to advise or not advise. Otherwise, generally speaking, it is not your choice to make.
You have one way of cooking, and someone else has another. If it is your privilege to cook the way you do, it is also another’s privilege to cook the way he does.
Let your friends salt their own food.
You are not meant to have the say of others. Are you to be a critic or a friend? Why would you want to be a judge of others? Perhaps to build your self-esteem. Find other ways to build your self-esteem, beloveds.
Yes, you want to know what your responsibility is. You also want to know where your responsibility ends. Be respectful of others and respectful to yourself. Free others, and free yourself.