Gemini Full Moon~Connecting with your Immortal Twin

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Gemini Full Moon of December 2013

Hi everyone!

Here we are at the last Full Moon of 2013! As we are entering the festive season, I want to share the energies of this Full Moon as it is very much a reflection of the sign Gemini and to quote Esoteric Astrologer Alan Oken from a recent post (December 8th) on his Facebook page: “This sign personifies a task that all people have to accomplish when walking the Spiritual Path: the need to transcend the mind so that the mind becomes a tool for the Higher Self and thoughts and ideas may thus become objectified, created and used consciously.”

With the upcoming Full Moon in Gemini on December 17th, there is an energy that creates a mistrust of our emotions. To begin with, every Full Moon means that the Sun and Moon are in two opposite places within the zodiacal belt. Currently, the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Sun’s energies are being influenced by Sagittarius’ ruler who is Jupiter. Jupiter is currently residing in Cancer at the moment and for him, things couldn’t get any better. He is in his exaltation and so he passes that lovely energy off to the Sun and so this year many people are really feeling the festive spirit within. We’re magnanimous, caring, charitable and desirous of the company of those we love and care for. On the outside, everything is great!

Our inner worlds are a different story though. The Moon is located in the sign of Gemini and as such he is heavily influenced by the planet Mercury. Mercury is currently in his detriment in the sign of Sagittarius and so the energies of the Moon are weakened as they pass through this sign. Your inner dialogue will be a little louder and clearer during this time of the Full Moon. Pay attention to all of the times you dismiss your emotions, sensations and intuition. Every single one of these is a message to you from your higher self. Gemini is the sign which is responsible for the relay of communication between higher self and personality and so at the time of the Gemini Full Moon, we have a more direct line with communication with higher self.

Every time we dismiss our emotions, sensations and intuition we are dismissing the input we receive from our higher self (who knows so much more than we do, by the way). There is much more to this teaching but this is a time to trust and communicate with higher self so that you can develop a stronger bond and clearer communication. The details of this teaching (along with much more) are available in a class that I am offering on January 21st and 22nd called Empower Thyself. For those of you who truly wish to understand your true nature as a spiritual being and apply the principles of energy in your life, this class will give you all of the fundamentals you need to change the way you live and create your life. I am happy to answer any questions, so please
message me for more information or to reserve your spot.

Take the time to connect in to your higher self and develop signals and reliable methods of communication so that you know when it is higher self communicating with you versus the negative ego. This is among the best times to develop that relay system and the trust and relationship you can begin building with your higher self at this time is something that invaluable and will serve you for the rest of your life.

Castor and Pollux are the mortal and immortal twins represented by Gemini. Castor is the mortal twin and the personality (us) and Pollux was the immortal son of Zeus (our higher selves). In all of their adventures in the greek mythologies, these two went together. When Castor was slain, Pollux begged Zeus to spare his brother from the tortures of Hades (the Underworld). Pollux sacrificed his Godhood in order to be with his brother and so the two alternated spending days on Mount Olympus and Hades so that they could be together. This is the type of relationship we need to develop with our higher selves. In all of our life’s adventures, our higher self should be our companion and best friend.

Before I forget, I would also like to take a moment to invite those of you in Toronto to the upcoming Winter Solstice and Full Moon Ceremony being hosted by the MMS Toronto Wicca Community on December 20th. Please visit my
calendar for more information.

May you and your twin proceed to adventures hand in hand!

