Heavenletter #4773 ~ A Dream That Seems So Real

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/18/2013


God said:

When life seems bleak to you, you attach reasons to why life is bleak. Sometimes, when life feels bleak, you do not know why or what to attach your heartache to. You are unable to find the cause. The cause is always the same, beloveds, or We may say there is no cause. Feeling depressed is self-sustaining. You feel lost because you feel lost. You feel ungrounded because you feel ungrounded. You feel there is no end to it because you feel no end to it.

Because. The cause is always within you. You may never be able to pin down the cause, and yet the down-ness will go away on its own the way it came. One day it will be gone. You do not have to stay there. You are not serving a sentence.

You may not know how, yet you have something to do with where you are. Just as whether you are in a palace or a hovel, you had something to do with it. You may not know how you got there, yet you got there. And if a sense of depression has entered where you are, you had something to do with depression’s entrance. Even if you didn’t welcome it, you opened the door.

When you are feeling down, you have an opportunity to not dwell on it. You may feel down, yet you are not obligated to stay there.

If it is true that there is only this moment right now, then what does the past of even a moment ago have to do with you except as you say so?

Look, if all of this life on Earth is a mirage, the mirage can change. It always has.

Change your thoughts, beloveds. Even when you feel lost, you are somewhere. You know where you are this moment. Be there. You don’t have to run away from where you are. You do know, you really do know, that you are not your circumstances. Do not convince yourself that you are your circumstances. Happiness can be yours in any circumstance. Do not identify yourself so much with your surroundings. Surround yourself with different thoughts.

Remember that wherever you are or wherever you are not, I am with you. I am not with you only in certain circumstances. Wherever you find yourself, it has nothing to do with you, the heart of you, except that your body happens to be there. If you have fallen into mud, you don’t need to stay there. And if you cannot get out of the mud at that moment, you are still you in mud or not. There is no getting away from Me either. I am where you are, and you are with Me. What can the difficulty be?

Now, look at Me. There is no need for you to turn away from Me. Beloveds, remind yourself that you are with Me, and I am with you. This is always the case. I am on Earth with you, and you are in Heaven with Me. Did you really think it could be otherwise?

In your thoughts, you may have stepped out of My embrace. Only in your thoughts can this be. There is no way you can be without Me. I hold you to Me. I do not let you fall. There is no falling when you are in My arms. There is really no place for you to fall from. Wherever your body may be, you are with Me.

You don’t have to make too much of your physical location. The physical is all a dream, albeit a very convincing dream, yet it is a dream while you are asleep. Awake then. Awake unto Me. You are risen.


