You sit today completely immersed in an energy that, although it is not completely new to you, has become so intense that you feel it continually and not only when you are meditating or sitting quietly.
Tomorrow is the peak of the solstice and the moment of these peak energies will occur then. After that, for a while the intensity will seem to die down, but as is the case for each of these surges now, it will not reach the level it was before. Couple that with the fact that your ability to sense them has increased each time and you will realize why you are feeling these so strongly.
Each if you will be sensing this in ways that will differ somewhat from those around you. That is dependent on how you are ‘wired’. Are you a seeing person, a feeling person, a hearing person? Your dominant ways of perception will apply. But for most of you it feels like you are sitting in buzzy, tingly pressure, or as if a presence surrounds you.
In the strictest sense this is not new. What is new is your ability to perceive it. This has been building all year. You thought nothing changed at this time last year? How often we heard that. Well, congratulations to you on a year well lived and a job well begun. There is much yet to come, but your progress is remarkable.
Now, if we may, let us suggest some general things you may wish to do at the peak of this important time. There are many, many kinds of meditation and prayer practiced upon your world. That is as it should be. You have found what works for you, even if that is a simple walk in nature. We suggest that, if your practice lends itself to gatherings, that you do that and unite with others in groups. If not, unite with others in intent. During that time, place your highest prayers, your intent for your future world into the communal consciousness. Feel the unity of your world. Be as one, for in truth you are, as you will come to know.
We see that there are a great many planning just such activities for the day, a great many. You will accelerate the changes that are arriving. You will accelerate your own personal changes. While you are about this, think about shedding the nagging last bits of baggage that you may feel so that you can truly enjoy the spirit of this holiday season. Visualize, if you will, an upward slope that you all travel together. For we tell you, it is all uphill from here. And we say that with the best of meanings. It may be uphill, but that means it will get better and better.
Peace and love to each of you. Good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/