Heart Chakra colour change?

mandy's picture

Hi Everyone, best wishes and love to you all.

Does anyone known whether our Heart Chakras can change colour? Mine has always been seen as green but in the past week it has changed to a white/cream/light gold colour. I try and concentrate on seeing it green but it won't change. It moves/whirls/grows as usual but won't be green as before. I don't understand.

Just for background: I seem to be going from strength to strength. It's all speeding up. The vibrations in my body are there about 70% of the day. etc etc. not experienced 'down' or sad symptoms. 

If anyone knows, I'd be grateful for any info on what is happening to my heart chakra as I can't fathom it.

Bless you all. Thank you.




heart chakra

ronlaswell's picture

Hey, Mandy,

Over the years, I've noticed a lot more "visuals" coming into awareness than I ever have before.  Lately, my heart chakra - aura appears to be a large golden glow with a protective edging of green and purple.  Sometimes, I can see an angelic face emanating from the center of my heart that looks like those pics of St Germain or Hilarion that people attach to their messages.  Sometimes it has 'petals' like they have on the Yogic images.  About a year ago, I even noticed that the center of my heart appears to have quite a crowd of ancestors/past life awarenesses (?) huddled together.  In fact, the more I think about it, I could even write a very lengthy note about all the visuals that appear while meditating, but that is another story.  Personally, I think it is just part of our growing and evolving process.