Incense Smudging to Clear Away Negative and Stagnant Energy

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With the beginning of a new year, many feel like they are given the chance to reset.

2014 started with a new moon, representing an opportunity to start the year with a clean slate and unearth what you find deep within yourself. To make space for new habits, experiences and relationships, you have to clean out what lingers within but no longer serves you.

The North American native tradition of smudging by burning white sage bundles has been used for this exact reason for generations. It clears out stale and negative energy out of the body and spirit. This could include all types of residual feelings regarding a situation that has past, negative emotions such as anger and fear that linger after an event or interaction, and tension and stress felt psychologically or physically.’


Read more: Incense Smudging to Clear Away Negative and Stagnant Energy

