Metatronic Frequency Report: 1/12/14… Day 3 of the 1st Out-breath phase of the Cosmic Meditation & Comet ISON: Beacon of Love & Light

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Day 3 of the 1st  Out-breath phase of the Cosmic Meditation & Comet ISON

Beacon of Love & Light

Today is an 11 Frequency day with an 11 Sub-frequency influence and a 111 Active Potential. This makes this an 11:11 Frequency Encoded Day.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 11 and 111 are…

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

First let’s look at this 11:11 Frequency Encoded Day.

Remember the Q4 have told us that with the work we did back in November of 2013 the11:11 Frequency Portal of the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality now stands continuously open. What this means is that movement through this portal is now available at all times to everyone; there is an Ease of Access that was not there before. The changes this will make in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality are that we will see a continuous acceleration of Spiritual Awakening by those who still slumber; and the reality of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity existing on Gaia will flow and shift more rapidly into a fuller Spiritually Awakened state.

Back on January 3rd, 2014 I also shared that now that the 11:11 Frequency Portal is continuously open, and we have moved into 2014, a 7 Frequency year with a 7-11 Frequency embedded into it, our work with the 11:11 Encoded Wake-Up Frequency has changed slightly.

We no longer need to focus on raising frequency to enable it to remain open, we have accomplished that.

Now our work, especially on these full 11:11 Frequency Encoded days, is to focus our energy and intentions on being of assistance to the lessening of the accumulative amount of highly negative charged emotions surrounding the planet and how they can hinder the Spiritually Slumbering Masses in Initial Awakening; especially those who are beginning to react to the subconscious promptings of their own Spiritual Awakening.

For as we can all remember, as exciting as initial Spiritual Awakening is, it is also a time when we are often lost and confused as to what we should believe and think and where we should turn in our quest for understanding about what is happening to us. And with the larger numbers of newly Awakening humans happening simultaneously, the planet and the Collective Consciousness will see times of overwhelming amounts of energy of fear and confusion being released. This is when we truly need to focus on assisting in the energy work of Love and Light by emitting this newly upgraded 11:11 Encoded Frequency Message…

“You are Waking Up… You are Safe… And You ARE on the Right Path”

This is the upgraded 11:11 Message we need to emit.  

The 11 Frequency bandwidth holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. It is the frequency where Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality, and it assists the Spiritually Awakened in further expansion of their perspectives of reality and Spiritual Truths. Within this Frequency we can more easily see, know and understand our Reality from an expanded and more Spiritual perspective.

The 111 Frequency is about the initial thought energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional realms; so the 11-111 Frequency combination is really very straight forward. It is about Awakening to the Expanded Reality of your Multi-dimensional Self.

You add to this the 11:11 encoded frequency and you see the baseline work of today is very much like it was yesterday, except instead of the focus being about Self it is more about doing this same work for the Collective Consciousness.


For those participating in the 22 day Cosmic Meditation of the Initial Healing of the Masculine Portion of the Collective Consciousness’ Psyche see today’s main focus work below.

 Cosmic Meditation Focus: 1/12/14

Standing in your own Power, today you serve as a beacon for others; the recently awakened. You stand as a beacon of Love and Light, and illuminate the path showing the way into the Newly Opening World of Peace. You send out the message to those who are searching for what they instinctively know is available to them, yet do not know how or where to reach it. You emit the message of love for them to follow their individual path to the shores of ONEness.

Constantly radiating the energy of the 99 Frequency of Unconditional Giving and Divine Grace… YOU… the Beacon of Love release into the ethers the message…

“You are Waking Up… You are Safe… And You ARE on the Right Path”

This is the main baseline work of today.


Be sure to read tomorrows Metatronic Frequency Report for information concerning theCosmic Meditation for the Initial Healing of the Masculine Portion of the Collective Consciousness’ Psyche as we prepare to reenter the frequencies of Comet ISON, theSun/RA and the Expansion of Heart Chakra of the Collective Consciousness, plus the second In-breath phase of the Cosmic Meditation.

The Frequencies from Monday, January 13th through Saturday, January 18th, 2014 are going to intensify significantly. Let’s be prepared so we can be of the most positive influence in the work of Spiritual Awakening and moving further into the Multi-dimensional realms as possible.


IN-Joy working with today’s frequencies.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras            


 © 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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