A Message From Our Lady: January 13, 2014

Reiki Doc's picture

My Children,

There is a beautiful awakening in front of us.
It is entirely blessed!
You are to arise to the realm of happiness and joy! Although the energies are right and much is happening 'behind the scenes' with or without your awareness, you are awakening to your right to have as much joy as 'God can comprehend', with or without the situation 'resolving' in a measurable way.
There are things we cannot measure on Earth that are vital and important and real--they are felt with the heart.
Your love, for an example, goes beyond explanation or measurement.
Try to describe the words you have for one another. 'He makes me happy' is all you can find the words to express the worlds of emotion that are joyful in both of your hearts! There are feelings and subtleties and connection and sweet longing and everything is blessed! blessed! blessed!  about the connection between the two of you and your hearts.

(more here http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2014/01/a-message-from-our-lady-january-13-2014.html)