~Dream and do big this Full Moon! Mediocrity is not an option!~

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Overcoming Mediocrity

Forecast for the Full Moon of January 16th

Hi everyone!
I hope that you're blasting forward with strength into this new year! We've had a lot of astrological activity this month and the time has passed by so quickly! The Full Moon is already beginning its approach!
On the 15/16th, we have the Cancer Full Moon. This Full Moon has aligned itself with a couple of other planets to paint out a unique picture for this Cancer Full Moon. The Sun is currently located in the sign of Capricorn alongside Pluto and Venus (who is still currently in retrograde motion). The Sun and Venus are both in a sextile relationship with Saturn (Capricorn's ruler) and so the heaviness of both Capricorn and Saturn makes way for progress and endurance.
The Moon and Jupiter are located in the sign of Cancer. As the native ruler of Cancer, both the Moon and Jupiter's energies are enhanced at this time.
So what picture does this particular Full Moon paint? Allow me to illustrate using 2 quotes if I may.
The 'standard' Cancer Moon can best be illustrated this way: I build a lighted house and therein dwell. This is the keynote for Cancer as written by Alice A. Bailey and refers to the need for safety, warmth and comfort. But this time, with Jupiter added into the mix, we feel safe. We have that safety and comfort that we know we can always come back to and rely on.
So we're safe...or are we? The following quote will really serve to highlight what this Full Moon is encouraging within us:
The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark. - Michelangelo
In my last post on Venus Retrograde, I wrote about comfort and how it is one of the greatest dangers to our spiritual evolution and to our happiness. We all have fears and the unknown can often be quite scary. It's so scary that Cancer, the crab, carries his home on his back! We all have comfort zones and safety mechanisms that are stopping us from achieving in life. We aim for things that we feel are 'realistic'. We limit ourselves to what we believe we are capable of and we aim no higher out of fear of failure.
The funny thing is that our fear of failure and our safety mechanisms are what hinder our abilities. So the Hermit carries his home on his back in the form a shell, right? Well, our safety mechanisms are like a suit of armour that weigh on us physically and emotionally and we put this armour on every time we make an attempt to achieve a goal. That suit of armour tells us to be realistic and to aim for what we know we can accomplish.
Just imagine that your goal is running 5 kilometres or learning to cook. Think about it for a second...think of how ludicrous you would look running down the street in a suit of armour or attempting to chop vegetables in a class. Your physical ability to accomplish your task is diminished and your enthusiasm goes down the drain.
This is what our need for comfort and our fears do to us. They remind us to be safe in the battle we call life, they don't encourage us to achieve, nor do they create passionate warriors who change the course of the world.
As the Full Moon is generally a time of introspection and regeneration, I would like to pose some questions to you that you can reflect on for personal growth.
Do I realize the full potential of my abilities? And what do I believe those abilities to be?
Do I set goals that I know I can easily achieve or do I challenge myself?
Do I allow my fears or need for comfort to prevent me from attaining goals that I know would bring me more joy? (I.e. New job or business, new relationship, learning new skills, etc.)
What does mediocrity look like to me and where do I see it in my life?
Take some time and be honest with yourself as you answer these questions. Then, set yourself a goal that will challenge your abilities to the greatest extent. It's time to stop being mediocre. Everyone reading this post is a God/Goddess and mediocrity is not who we are. We are all divine and it should be obvious in everything we do! With Jupiter and the Moon giving us the encouragement and acknowledgment that we will be fine and the Sun, Venus and Pluto pushing us to new heights, this is truly a time to step into your power and begin accomplishing the contents of your wildest dreams!
So let's all release our mediocrity! Let's aim high and change our lives and the world!
Blessings to you on this Full Moon,
