By:, 01/15/2014
Are you beginning to accept that your life on Earth, as important as it is to you, is made of illusion? This illusion of life that you pursue and that pursues you, also has an importance to the Universe itself. Life on Earth is something you dream while you are sleepwalking, and, yet, the very dream serves the Universe. It is a dream circumscribed from Infinity and Eternity. The dream is not real even as it seems so real. When you wake up from the dream, then you know that the dream that seemed so real was only a dream. You watched the dream take over, and then you awoke and saw that what you thought was real was a dream dreamed.
When you wake from the dream, you know you wake up in Eternity, and that you are Infinite. In the dream, you were a piece of the puzzle. Awake, there is no puzzle. Beloveds, you are entering a new state of consciousness. Little by little, you are entering a new state of consciousness.
You used to walk on land, and now it is becoming more like you are swimming in water. What is happening is that you turn over in your sleep, and for a moment, you are awake, and then you fall asleep again. It seems infinitesimal, your dream, when all along, dream or not, you are in Infinity. You are a dream within a dream within a dream. Yes, you do wake from layers of dreaming, and you know Reality full-throttle.
There are all kinds of dreams, and you dream them all. You dream the beautiful dreams, and you dream the scary ones. The dreams certainly seem real. You tremble when you are chased and cannot yet unlock the door of fear. You smile or cry for joy at sweet dreams of unsurpassed beauty and fulfillment. You do swing upon stars, and you surpass all pictures of yourself, and you are art. What a dream you dream in the world. Sometimes your dream can be so splendid, you don’t want to wake from such wonderfulness.
Of course, when you wake, the dream recedes. It was only a dream. Now you find that Reality surpasses the dreams. The very best dreams were only a drop in the bucket. For goodness sakes, you wake to Infinity and know your Eternalness. Infinite, eternal, exquisite is Reality.
There never was anything else but Truth. Now you fly, and now you know Truth in all its glory. You have risen in awareness. You are Eternity. You are Infinity. You have never been anything else. You thought so. Yet a thought is only a thought. You can forget your thoughts and remember Truth. Truth is the climate you live in. Truth has no distance. Truth awaits you even as you and Truth never went anywhere. For a while, you imagined so. And, so, you dreamt. And in the dream you thought you were somewhere where you were not.
Your dream was like a tree with many branches, and you hung onto the limbs. You were afraid of branches breaking. You were afraid of falling. You thought you had fallen from grace. You dreamed that Heaven was in the distance, distant past or distant future, or you thought Heaven was the dream and Heaven was never going to be yours, or that Heaven Itself was untrue. You sure mixed up your why’s and wherefore’s. And you sure tried to solve your manufactured dilemmas. You so wanted to return to what you persuaded yourself was a fantasy, when Heaven was true all the time and you were with God even in your scary dreams.
I see you are waking up now. Just a little more sleep, and then you will be fully awake. You will see Me holding your hand as I say: “Wake up, beloveds. Time to wake up.”