By:, 01/18/2014
Full Moon Phase: fulfillment, illumination, realization, shadow, experience
Moon: Leo/Virgo
Ruling Mahavidya: Kali
Kali dismisses class with homework: see symbolism.
It's a strange state in which we find ourselves as energetic forces transport us over this point in space-time, transforming us on all levels. On one level, our physical bodies are undergoing transformation; on another level our emotional bodies are similarly changing. We navigate with our minds, diligent to follow the guidance to see symbolism.
Over the weekend, the power of symbolism is amplified. Many things can be symbolic. In this context we are on the lookout for things that repeat or are out of the ordinary. It means we must be super observant. Sometimes we have to step back to see the pattern. The universe is speaking to us this weekend, delivering information to aid us in the transformation process.
It bears repeating that the core function of this month's transformation is to heal. The "rainbow bridge" we are traversing (or, more accurately is traversing us) is courtesy of the Moon's nodes in aspect to the Chiron Point. The Moon's nodes (called the North and South Nodes) point us in the direction of destiny through mastery over our past. To answer the call of destiny, which stirs in our hearts through desires, our past must be the launching pad.
To help, we become students of nature, where aspects of our lives are revealed. Class with Kali isn't really dismissed. It just changes venues and form. We move from listening to her lecture to engaging in a wider instruction - living instruction - where we encounter teachers and lessons in many ways. Images, symbols, and patterns become our teachers - especially things that repeat, things we don't usually encounter, and things that catch our eye. The natural world offers great wisdom.
It seems like we are always undergoing transformation and letting go of the past. I could talk for quite a while about how this has been happening pretty much since Pluto made the conjunction with the Galactic Center in 2006. It does all have a purpose and the culmination comes this March and April. So it's important that we do this revision and clearing work now. I mean, for real.
This weekend, open up and allow space for situations to revise and rectify while you are vigilent to symbolism.