Greetings Love Beings, WOOOOHOOO Intense Waves of Light Energy Coming in for this New SuperMoon in Aquarius, With Continued Solar flare activity and a Lunar transit! Prepare for More Intensity throughout today and for the Next 3 Days!
From the Oracle ~A new shift emerging. With this new Moon, you are entering a new dimension. Prepare to feel certain changes within you as these energies are powerful ones. You will experience huge shifts within as your Divine Blueprint unfolds a brand new timeline. Your Life's mission will be revealed to you. Questions you have, will be answered by your own Self, quiet the mind and let your spirit guide the way. A beautiful Era opens, Love is here to stay. The Elohim
We are Still 600$ From our Goal and we have 2 Days Remaining! Thank You for sharing and keeping us here in 24 Hour Service! We are Supported only from All of You as this Represents the NEW Paradigm, Where Abundance for all who choose Love will be manifesting as the energies increase! You can Make a donation at this Link:
Table of Contents
- ~The breaking of the CREATED shell~
- ~The Soul of Chicken Soup~
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trusting Yourself
- Are We There yet ? ~ Angelic Guides
- ~Love and Oneness by Caroline Aguiar~
- Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel for January 30, 2014
- ~Planet Alert February 2014~
- Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast ~ The Call of Togetherness
- I have to keep breathing... For tomorrow the Sun will rise who knows what the tide would bring?
- The Oracle Report for January 30, 2014
- ~Space Weather Update~ Continued M Class Flares~ WOOOHOOO Lunar Transit
- In Twin Flame Relationships ~Who Knows First? The Masculine or the Feminine? by Dr. Cha~zay
- Heavenletter #4815 ~ Drop Fear. Gain Confidence.
- Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ Receiving The Energy Of Higher Light
- Activation Notice: Incoming Light Wave
- Benjamin Fulford Update 1-28-14 It seems we are witnessing the birth pangs of a new era for humanity
- Ron Head ~ Now Will Be The Time For You To Use The Deep Understanding And Love That You Have Learned To Hold
- Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 393
- Rev. Christine Meleriessee ~ 2nd New Moon of January ~ Progressive Change
- S0 News January 30, 2014: Fireball, Mega-Spot
- Anna Merkaba ~ Urgent Message for Ground Crew – Next 72 Hours 1/29/14 – 2/1/14
- Dana Mrkich ~ Thursday, January 30, 2014 Venus Direct, Farewell Snake And Welcome Horse!
- Sandra Walter ~ Activation Notice: Incoming Light Wave
- Edward Snowden has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize
- Top 13 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coffee Posted by Live in the Now
- New Plastic ‘Zeoform’ Turns Hemp Into Almost Anything
- Lawsuits Against Hospitals Begin for Loss of Employment due to Mandatory Flu Shots by Health Impact News Daily
- Benefits of Aromatherapy by Organic Facts
- The Top 15 Essential Oils to Relieve Pain and How to Use Them by Healthy And Natural World
- Farmer Reports: GMOs Causing Deformities, Birth Defects in Piglets
- GM crop ban extended indefinitely in Tasmania
- 3 Ways to Fight Cold Sores Naturally
- Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 29, 2014
- Wes Annac ~ All-Encompassing Spiritual Inspiration – Part 1/2
- Astrology Forecast for January 28, 2014
- The Creator Writings ~ Words
- Ronna Herman ~ Message From Archangel Michael ~ Creating Your Sphere of Heavenly Light
- Sandra Walter ~ Light Intel Articles Now Available As Free Ebook
- Mahala ~ Planet Alert February 2014
- S0 News January 29 2014: Comet, Cold, Solar Flares
- Heavenletter #4814 ~ God Is Not Your Sugar-Daddy
- The Oracle Report for Wednesday, January 29, 2014
- ~ This is the YEAR, Love and Light Prevail~
- Wow ~Cobra~ The Event~ Thank You for Sharing with Others!
- ~Events for February & March 2014~
- ~Higher Grid Events This Evening~ You Can Join us Live
- ~MotherGod Sends Love Energy~ Painting by Petra and Lejo
- Study: Essential Oil of Lemon Effective Against Candida Yeast Infections by Health Impact News Daily
- Horsetail Health Benefits by Home Remedies Web
- ~How Solar Flares Are Affecting Our Bodies~ by By Dena Ventrudo
- ~Breaking News 2~ 7th M Class Flare Symptoms of Flares
- ~ Eckhart Tolle ~ Free Yourself From Your Ego Armor
- When God Walks By~ you might not believe the reactions~ literally
- ~ Breaking News 6th M Class Flare in 24 Hours~
- Earthquake Report for 01/28/2014
- The Road to Q’eros ~ messages from the Andes January 28, 2014
- Co-creating in the New Fields of Light
- Geoff Faulkner on ET First Contact Radio Breaking News Show
- Ukraine leader offers concessions
~The breaking of the CREATED shell~
Author: Karen Doonan
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~The Soul of Chicken Soup~
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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trusting Yourself
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Are We There yet ? ~ Angelic Guides
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~Love and Oneness by Caroline Aguiar~
By Caroline Aguiar
The more I move into states of BEing with myself, I discover the connection I have with my inner self is growing every day. I think there is another level to still point, one that goes deeper into ones self, and this is where I’ve found what seems to me as eternal love, and bliss. I say eternal, because it’s always been there waiting for us to rediscover this truth.
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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel for January 30, 2014
By:, 01/30/2014
Image Source: http://www.http//
January 30, 2014
Beloved Ones,
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~Planet Alert February 2014~
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Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast ~ The Call of Togetherness
By: Jamye Price, 01/30/2014
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I have to keep breathing... For tomorrow the Sun will rise who knows what the tide would bring?
Here's the last Dialog from the movie CASTAWAY, which has never failed to inspire me...
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The Oracle Report for January 30, 2014
By:, 01/30/2014
New Moon Phase – Moon: Aquarius – Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi
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~Space Weather Update~ Continued M Class Flares~ WOOOHOOO Lunar Transit
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In Twin Flame Relationships ~Who Knows First? The Masculine or the Feminine? by Dr. Cha~zay
Visit to read more about our 11 week Twin Flame Coaching Series.
Looking for love can be more difficult than searching for a needle in a haystack. Why is that?
Simple. Because people in their quest on how to find love are looking for love in all the wrong places!
Rumi once said that the whole world is searching out there for treasure when the real treasure is you.
Looking for Love in the Wrong Places
So in your quest on how to find love little are people realizing that looking for love in a partner outside of themselves is only setting themselves up for one heartbreak after another.
Looking for love is easy when you know where to look!
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Heavenletter #4815 ~ Drop Fear. Gain Confidence.
By:, 01/30/2014
God said:
If you want to see the light, look where the light is. This is the same as saying to keep your attention where you want it to be – in the light -- and let go of attention of the dark.
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Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ Receiving The Energy Of Higher Light
Greetings Beloved Ones,
We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Light of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss energetic patterns of change and their importance in bringing in new patterns of Higher Light.
You are receiving powerful influxes of higher energy coming to you in waves that are increasing exponentially.
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Activation Notice: Incoming Light Wave
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Benjamin Fulford Update 1-28-14 It seems we are witnessing the birth pangs of a new era for humanity
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Ron Head ~ Now Will Be The Time For You To Use The Deep Understanding And Love That You Have Learned To Hold
The Councils of higher Selves
Today our conversation will continue with a discussion of what your February is bringing.
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Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 393
Aisha North - 30 January 2014
By now, you will all have been well acquainted with these endless fluctuations of energy coming into your being, and we venture to guess that you have all in some way been able to access hitherto unexplored territory within. This may not feel as any major feat to some of you, as you have so far probably not been able to get but a small sip from that huge ocean of endless information that lies within, but still, we do think it has whetted your appetite for more. For more is to come dear ones, and it will come in fits and starts, in huge chunks and in tiny morsels, and probably when you least expect it to. For in this, as in everything else, trying to force your way forwards will not work very well, as it is by simply allowing yourself to let go of the need to control this process that you will be able to fully enter this ocean of the future. And so, whatever it takes, make sure you do not make the mistake of setting up a plan on how to do this.
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Rev. Christine Meleriessee ~ 2nd New Moon of January ~ Progressive Change
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S0 News January 30, 2014: Fireball, Mega-Spot
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Anna Merkaba ~ Urgent Message for Ground Crew – Next 72 Hours 1/29/14 – 2/1/14
Anna Merkaba - 30 January, 2014
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Dana Mrkich ~ Thursday, January 30, 2014 Venus Direct, Farewell Snake And Welcome Horse!
Dana Mrkich – 30 January 2014
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Sandra Walter ~ Activation Notice: Incoming Light Wave
Sandra Walter – 30 January 2014
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Edward Snowden has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize
By: Brian Fung, 01/29/2014
(Barton Gellman for The Washington Post)
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Top 13 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coffee Posted by Live in the Now
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New Plastic ‘Zeoform’ Turns Hemp Into Almost Anything
By: Joe Martino, 01/28/2014
Today, our plastics are made from oil which means not only are we putting toxic chemicals into our atmosphere, but we are also filling our environment with products that cannot bio-degrade. A new company out of Australia has created a promising new product called Zeoform and it is made only from water and cellulose take from hemp plants. This means their plastic is not only eco-friendly in production but is also biodegradable!
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Lawsuits Against Hospitals Begin for Loss of Employment due to Mandatory Flu Shots by Health Impact News Daily
Health Impact News Editor Comments:
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Benefits of Aromatherapy by Organic Facts
Some of the health benefits of aromatherapy include its ability to reduce anxiety, ease depression, boost energy levels, speed up the healing process, eliminate headaches, boost cognitive performance, induce sleep, strengthen the immune system, reduce pain, improve digestion, and increase circulation.
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The Top 15 Essential Oils to Relieve Pain and How to Use Them by Healthy And Natural World
Physical pain can result due to several reasons, such as sports injuries, that can cause muscle aches, spasms and inflammation, or arthritis and rheumatism that can cause joint pain, or even bad posture that can cause backache. Pain can also come as a headache or migraine and even PMS can cause abdominal pain. Also people with fibromyalgia experience pain in ways no one else can really understand. As you can see, acute or chronic pain can make our everyday life very difficult, uncomfortable or even debilitating.
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Farmer Reports: GMOs Causing Deformities, Birth Defects in Piglets
Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 01/29/2014
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GM crop ban extended indefinitely in Tasmania
Natural News, By: PF Louis, 01/29/2014
(NaturalNews) Tasmania recently extended its ban on GMO crops indefinitely. This move will enable the Tasmanian island state of the Australian Commonwealth, located 150 miles off the southeast coast of mainland Australia, to maintain export leverage to European nations and others that won't import GMO foods.
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3 Ways to Fight Cold Sores Naturally
By: The Alternative Daily, 01/29/2014
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Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 29, 2014
By:, 01/29/2014
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Wes Annac ~ All-Encompassing Spiritual Inspiration – Part 1/2
Wes Annac – 29 January 2014
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Astrology Forecast for January 28, 2014
Published on Jan 28, 2014
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The Creator Writings ~ Words
By: Jennifer Farley, 01/29/2014
It is time to start paying very close attention to your words. Humoring each other and yourself with phrases of self-depreciation does nothing except keep you in the space of not being worthy and deserving. Appreciate yourself and those around you as a first step to healthy manifestation. ~ Creator
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Ronna Herman ~ Message From Archangel Michael ~ Creating Your Sphere of Heavenly Light
Ronna Herman – 29 January 2014
Beloved masters, you are beginning to comprehend how different your physical reality will be as you gain access to and integrate more of the more refined frequencies of the higher realms. You will also realize how radically your future life’s experiences will change. As everyone’s telepathic and clairsentience skills are perfected, you will understand why truth, honor and integrity will become paramount. We are aware of the Light patterns that you emit, and also the resonance of your energetic signature, whether it is harmonious or discordant. We see your radiance or lack thereof, and you cannot hide who you truly are from us. In the near future, this gift will become the norm for many advanced Light Workers as well.
You are not only seeking to return to balance and harmony within, but it is your Higher Self’s greatest desire that you reclaim and perfect the beautiful Soul Song that is uniquely yours. The spectrums of Light and of sound in our realm of existence are far beyond your senses and even beyond your imagination. In your reality, you can only experience a minuscule portion of the celestial sounds, the radiant Light, and the power and majesty of our environment.
Fear and your ego are your greatest enemies. As we have explained in recent past messages, the negative, stressful events that you are experiencing at this time are activated from within to help you eradicate and/or refine past conditioning. Tests and situations of tolerance are created to help you acknowledge any restrictive, damaging thought patterns that you may not be aware of at a conscious level. Universal Law states that the frequencies of your thought patterns must be refined and lifted in order to tap into the next higher level of consciousness. You must qualify or become attuned to each new level of conscious awareness before you may integrate the vibrational energies it contains. Once you have mastered that level to a certain degree, you will be ready to receive its unique gifts and benefits.
As you begin to follow the nudgings of your Higher Self, you will gain the ability to disregard or to not be affected by the actions or reactions of others who try to dis-empower you. The realms of duality and polarity are great teachers. If you had never experienced anything but loving and positive actions, there would be little or no growth, and stagnation would result. Your ego self will constantly urge you to focus on the external world, and to behave in ways that are not in your best interest as an aspiring Self-master. If you consciously strive to stay centered within your Sacred Heart, and to use the enlightened wisdom of your Sacred Mind, you will never be led astray. Your intuition will grow stronger and stronger as you build your confidence as a master of Self, and you will always sense and understand the correct decision to make or the path to follow. As your confidence and your intuitive abilities increase, indecision will become a thing of the past. You are relearning the master skills you enjoyed in the higher realms. Remember, you have been a master builder of worlds without end, and you have existed in the higher realms much longer than you have been entrapped in the dense environment of the lower dimensions.
Never forget, you are eternal and immortal. Your physical body is a temporary temple in which God dwells. The Sacred Heart is the temple of the soul. Therein is the Essence of life where true love resides, and where your awareness of Infinity begins. The Diamond Core God Cell within the Sacred Heart contains the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness, which are etheric crystal prisms of refracted Light called Rays that beam forth the Essence of Creation.
Death is a metamorphosis, a changing of the cloak of flesh for a cloak of Light. You have but one life and that life is eternal. You have assumed many roles while on your journey throughout eternity; however, within your Sacred Heart, you will remain as you were in the beginning, a Divine child of the Supreme Creator. To become en-LIGHTEN-ed is to realize your Divinity within, whereby an impulse from deep within your Sacred Heart will assist you to follow, unerringly, the guidance of your God Self. In the higher realms your vessel of Light is pure, perfect and indestructible. Envision a wholeness that has never been altered and a radiant form with no imperfections.
Even though chaos and duality are an integral part of your existence in the third/fourth dimensions, there is order and design in this Sub-universal Master Plan. You were not sent forth as cocreators without protection and a clearly defined path to follow in place. Your return to full consciousness of your God Self within this Sub-universal expression has always been assured.
Your Sacred Mind always knows the truth, and will eventually override the misconceptions of the conscious mind, which can be reprogrammed as you strive to clear the subconscious mind of all negative influences. Your Sacred Mind is the direct connection to the God Mind. Moderation in all things results in equilibrium, balance and a sense of well-being. Self-mastery leads to control of the physical emotions and the thought processes of the lower mind. A Self-master stands firmly centered within the Sacred Heart in the midst of chaos and change–holding fast to the wisdom of the Sacred Mind as it gathers strength and guidance from our Father/Mother God–while learning to become an observer of the process as all illusion slowly fades away.
Many of you have discovered that no matter what you are experiencing in the outer world of form, there is a strong sense of joy that wells up from within. These powerful pulses of energy OverLight any discordant situation, and help you remain centered within your Sacred Heart. Individual will comes from within the soul, while Divine Will originates from within your God Essence Seed Atom. The soul is forever seeking to advance toward its collective whole–reunification is its major goal.
Throughout your many years of trials, tests and challenges, we have told you that the ascension process entails acknowledging, releasing and transforming all of the negative, impacted vibrational patterns that you carry within your complex physical, mental, emotional and etheric forms. As novices beginning the journey of transformation, you could not comprehend or fully understand what a profound gift awaited you as you reached a certain level of balance and harmony within: the gift of GRACE. A state of Grace awaits every soul on Earth once they gain the ability to function within the frequency patterns of the mid-fourth sub-dimensions and above. As you return to the accepted level of duality within the spectrum of Light and shadow, you gradually learn to maintain a “harmless nature,” which is a vital element of becoming heart-centered and soul-focused.
Ascension means attaining a clearer awareness of Self, and accepting the fact that you are an extension of our Mother/Father God. As you delve deeper and deeper within Self, you come to realize your intimate connection with the Creator. Once you have felt the exquisite bliss of a heart-to-heart connection with our Mother/Father God, and you are able to draw fully on the Adamantine Particles of Love/Light, your yearning for love is gradually fulfilled. Your hunger for sustenance will always be satisfied, and you will be given the strength, will and determination you require to joyfully complete your earthly mission. Through this process, your true Self is gradually being revealed to you.
We have explained how the spectrum of Light and shadow was created in this Sub-universe so that humanity could experience duality and polarity. In the higher dimensions, for those closest to our Father/Mother God and the Great Central Sun, the duality spectrum is very narrow; however, it became broader and more pronounced as each dimension was established, until it reached what was to be the maximum duality that was to be experienced. You are aware that it was not ordained or intended that humanity should sink so deeply into duality and polarity thereby causing so much pain and suffering. The time has arrived for the distortions and excesses of the past to be brought back into harmony, and it is our greatest desire to assist you to move through this process with ease and grace.
Dear hearts, too many of you are carrying great burdens from the past, mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many errors from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the “burdens of inequity” no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories of the past, just as we are clearing the distortions of the third- and fourth-dimensional collective consciousness belief patterns, and bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality. We have repeatedly told you to, “heal the past, script your future and then live in the moment,” for this very moment is the Still Point / the power center of Creation. Why not move into the center of that spiral, into the eye of duality and polarity where all is calm and peaceful, and filled with pure, rich, primal life force substance just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator, and know that you are a treasured son or daughter on an important heavenly mission. Remember, nothing you can say or do can diminish this love.
Attaining universal consciousness is a never-ending process. Human-mental logic and the Sacred Heart / Sacred Mind will begin to function as a unit of Spiritual Power as you attain a certain level of wisdom and enhanced God-consciousness, and you will automatically begin to question the contradictions of the different religious beliefs. This is necessary so that you will begin to seek out the pure Essence of Divine Truth that is scattered throughout the ancient sacred books. Over time, sacred truth will be revealed to you according to your present level of consciousness. A Self-master is constantly seeking, discovering and integrating more complex and empowering Sacred Cosmic truths. Ascension is a process of constantly transcending your current level of limitation, both emotionally and mentally. You must always integrate and experience any new knowledge you accept as your new philosophy of life, thereby gaining the wisdom of the concepts.
My valiant Light Bearers, you are becoming more aware and hypersensitive to the frequency patterns of change, both within and around you, and your heightened sense of awareness increases, it is critical that you learn to become a mindful observer. A Self-master always views life events from a higher vantage point so that he/she does not become caught up in the maelstrom of drama and chaos that is rampant in the world. It requires discipline and great wisdom tostay the course or to remain centered and empowered when it seems as though the world around you is sinking deeper and deeper into chaos and destruction. We know how eager you are to attain full Self-mastery; however, as we have often stated, the fast track is not necessarily better. You must be willing to allow your Higher Self and your angelic helpers to set the pace of your advancement, for we have the advantage of observing what is taking place around the world, as well as within each of you from a higher vantage point. This enables us to interpret the outcome of forthcoming events through energies of the strongest probable future. At such times, occasionally, we are allowed to intervene through specific mandates from our Father/Mother God and the Lords of Light.
We ask you to remember, if obstacles are continually put before you as you attempt to move forward or create something new in your life, know that it may not be the right time for your vision to become a reality. Be willing to go into sanctuary (spend time in contemplation), so that your Higher Self can either inform you of what you must do in order to proceed, or possibly what must take place that you are not aware of before your aspirations can be fulfilled and made manifest. Be willing to stay in the moment, and to know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at the present time. Affirm often: “This is a perfect moment and I am centered in the power of the present.” We implore you to view your life experiences through the filters of your Sacred Heart/Mind as you draw forth the powerful Adamantine Particles of Life/Light and infuse them with your love before radiating them out into the world and to humanity. We are all in this cosmic dance of evolution, and together, we shall prevail.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.
I live in a sphere of blessed Light.
Through my Sacred Heart,
I beam God’s Love so bright,
Into the world of form.
Negativity cannot enter this holy place,
For I am protected by heavenly grace.
I live and breathe to love and serve.
Ronna * 2014
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Sandra Walter ~ Light Intel Articles Now Available As Free Ebook
Sandra Walter – 29 January 2014
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Mahala ~ Planet Alert February 2014
Mahala – 29 January 2014
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S0 News January 29 2014: Comet, Cold, Solar Flares
Published on Jan 29, 2014
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Heavenletter #4814 ~ God Is Not Your Sugar-Daddy
By:, 01/29/2014
God said:
That I love you doesn’t mean I cater to your every wish. Everything unfolds as it unfolds. Further than you can see, everything unfolds just right, and just right for you. Beloveds, you have been near-sighted.
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The Oracle Report for Wednesday, January 29, 2014
By:, 01/29/2014
Balsamic Moon Phase – Moon: Capricorn – Ruling Mahavidya: Kali
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~ This is the YEAR, Love and Light Prevail~
link to to 5d room :
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Wow ~Cobra~ The Event~ Thank You for Sharing with Others!
The Only Way Forward is Unity!
The Event is Light and Love Energy happening daily Now!
Cloudhsips~ Taken By Earth Ally Will Harader
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~Events for February & March 2014~
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~Higher Grid Events This Evening~ You Can Join us Live
Greetings Love Beings, Lets Move some energy of Joy, Light, Peace, and Unconditional Love this evening! You Can Join Us Live Beginning at 4:30PM Pacific until?.... In The Higher grid 5D Room For a GALACTIC Love Party to Support the Planet with 7 M Class FLARES! WOOOHOOOO!!!! INCOMING LIGHT. At this Link:
Currently If You would Like to join us Now, we are listening to the Latest in Galactic News About Disclosure and Near Death Experience's at the Above Link!
See You There Love The Earth Allies
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~MotherGod Sends Love Energy~ Painting by Petra and Lejo
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Study: Essential Oil of Lemon Effective Against Candida Yeast Infections by Health Impact News Daily
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Horsetail Health Benefits by Home Remedies Web
What is Horsetail?
![Horsetail Horsetail](
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~How Solar Flares Are Affecting Our Bodies~ by By Dena Ventrudo
Dena Ventrudo is the Assistant Editor & Photographer of Merlian News. She is a published poet and creative writer, most recently published in "Trails Through The Greenbelt" by Jack M. Freedman. Dena has a BA in Liberal Studies from SUNY Purchase College but also spent time there as a Dramatic Writing, Literature and Women's Studies major.
What Is A Solar Flare?
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~Breaking News 2~ 7th M Class Flare Symptoms of Flares
Symptoms of Flares Nausea, Headaches, Anxiety, Heart Palpitations, Increase in Heart Rate, Experience of Highs and Lows, and increased Electrical Vibrations in the Body! During these moments These are just a few of the major symptoms you could be experiencing! NO SEATBELTS and We Could See an X Class Flare!
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~ Eckhart Tolle ~ Free Yourself From Your Ego Armor
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When God Walks By~ you might not believe the reactions~ literally
~ many will not believe what happens when God walks by, that’s what happens!
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~ Breaking News 6th M Class Flare in 24 Hours~
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Earthquake Report for 01/28/2014
34 earthquakes
2.6 6km W of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico 2014-01-28 11:31:30 UTC-08:00 14.9 km
3.4 37km SSW of Boca de Yuma, Dominican Republic 2014-01-28 11:14:11 UTC-08:00 55.0 km
2.5 41km WNW of Ivins, Utah 2014-01-28 08:46:43 UTC-08:00 10.6 km
3.2 14km NNE of Virginia City, Nevada 2014-01-28 08:27:30 UTC-08:00 9.3 km
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The Road to Q’eros ~ messages from the Andes January 28, 2014
Mesa = medicine bundle.. used for healing and ceremony by the Andean people including the Q’ero. The mesa holds both the masculine and the feminine aspect. It is a medicine of unity.
The Story of the Mesa…
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Co-creating in the New Fields of Light
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Geoff Faulkner on ET First Contact Radio Breaking News Show
By: Maarten Horst, 01/27/2014
Very touching information shared by Geoff Faulkner about his near death experiences and UFO Disclosure which is imminent.
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Ukraine leader offers concessions
Associated Press, By: By JIM HEINTZ and MARIA DANILOVA, 01/27/204