By:, 02/03/2014
God said:
For you to take hold of the power and glory of God, know that the power and glory are yours as well as Mine, therefore, Ours. We are talking about your creating miracles, what you see as miracles. You put miracles in a separate category from daily life.
Your creating miracles will not come from a transformation. No transformation is necessary. Awareness is necessary. A blink of an eye is all that is necessary. You have the Free Will to recognize Who you are and act accordingly. Oneness of focus without effort is a gift I gave you and give you still. You have this gift. Everyone has this gift, the gift of letting go and finding that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly within you.
The wand you wave is Our One Heart of love. All is instantaneous. Nothing is far away from you. Nothing is outside you. You attain by letting go. How easy everything is when you let go, when you get out of the picture and allow God, the God within, miracles to perform. All this is within your DNA. The DNA that is called yours is My DNA, therefore, by default, yours. Yours! DNA applies to far more than the physical. DNA is by no means solely physical, not by a long shot. How well the world has been embraced in the illusion of the physical. Well, of course, the physical is a set up. There is no such place. It is more than your eyes with which you see.
Yet the communal physical leads you to Eternity and Infinity which is the same as to say leading you to where you already are.
If you want instant healing of the unreal physical and therefore unreal illness, you do not bring healing to yourself with effort. Effort is opposed to miracles. Like Godwriting, when miracles come, they are effortless. What you call miracles come like a stream of light. You see miracles as if arriving by themselves. Perhaps you can see tragedies as something you have contributed to and do not see great happenings as within your power or having anything to do with you.
Everything is contained within this moment. Everything is instantaneous. Everything is instantaneous and has never been not. Everything is encapsulated in this moment, in this moment whenever you read this outpouring from My heart or think of this. All is right here right now. Of course, there is no right here. There is right nowhere. Of course, there is no you to digest this, only the illusion of you.
My DNA is the link to Oneness. You already have My DNA planted within you. Where is it planted when there is no you and no physical, when existence is Being and Being is the Totality of Me? Where am I really, and where are you really? We are in the same non-place. We are in the ether. My DNA is your birthright.
A sense of time holds you in its thrall and holds you back because a sense of time has tenses. There is a once upon a time and there is a later on. There is a mañana. You may be a die-hard businessman who never procrastinates his daily tasks, yet you allow awareness to wait and come another time. It is far in the distance and off the radar. And you, dear human being that you are, can wait for something you perceive as outside you to arrive.
Of course, you cannot mandate the natural act of instant healing, instant education, instant flying, instant losing weight etc. You do create miracles of power every day, only you ascribe them to something else, coincidence perhaps, synchronicity, and, yet, beloveds, you, you create or contribute to the creation of examples of Oneness, of the everyday miracle of Oneness, yet you call such occurrences as something else. You are the Power. You are the Glory too, yet We will leave that aside for now because there is an association of ego with the word glory. The Glory I speak of here has nothing to do with ego. It is the Glory of Love. The Glory of Love is not something you do by your will. The Glory of Love is Who you already are.