We invite you to drop all fear of your brilliance and radiantly shine as you were born to do. You are deeply loved and you are love itself. Breathe. Release. Forgive. Love, light and healing carry the frequency of restoration within them, and these are your greatest tools. – The Keepers, excerpt from “Cosmic Love: Keys for the Path of Light” from Starfield Press.
Hello friends. The upcoming Full Moon has a lot going for it. Not only it is in a degree of Leo with quite a compelling Sabian Symbol attached to it, it also falls right on Valentine’s Day. Talk about your cosmic hearts and stars! I loved this picture of the woman on the trapeze and thought it was perfect. There’s a performance element to a Leo moon, along with the sense of daring, and busting out of our usual daily routines and attitudes even a little bit; to get in tune with the “bigger,” fun and celebratory elements of life and all it has to offer.
The traditional definition of a Leo Moon Full is associated with the “little king/queen,” power, showmanship, pride and is considered a more “individual” energy, as opposed to the current Sun in Aquarius which is related to the “big picture” of humanity and being a part of a tribe or team. So there is some inherent conflict here with this opposition, but just enough to make keep things interesting.
The Sabian Symbol for 27º Leo: Daybreak – the luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky. Transforming power of creative impulses as they bring ideas to concrete manifestation. Stirring to opportunity. Soul-power. 26º Leo: The new Moon – Leo 26: After a heavy storm, a rainbow appears. A sign. – Traditional Sabian Symbols by Marc Edmund Jones/Elsie Wheeler
I have also included the Sabian Symbol for 26 Leo as I feel it is also significant and related. The “Sign” is seen before the Dawn, which brings the illumination. Be mindful of the signs, signals and messages that you receive this week, and also open to new avenues and messengers.
I’ve been feeling this Moon coming in for days now. Not only is it a particularly powerful lunation, it carries with it tremendous creative potential: a significant healing gift. Besides the sparkle, fun and “show” of the Leo moon, there’s something quite deep going on just underneath as well. My Guidance Team the Keepers showed me that there is a significant potential for mental “reprogramming” with these energies. I am a practitioner of Integrated Energy Therapy ™ which is excellent for this purpose; along with hypnotherapy, akashic record work, shamanic practices and other forms of energy healing. I was told that these energies will be excellent for getting into deep issues including childhood or past life issues, and *resolving* them once and for all. Now that’s really something to bust out the wine and chocolates about.
For those who may be feeling a bit blue that they are without a partner this Valentine’s Day, I highly recommend a healthy dose of self-love and care however that looks for you. As for me, I’m will be getting a Spa treatment and visiting my chiropractor. I feel somehow it will be easier this year for the single folks in the crowd. Besides the joys of love in all of its forms, it’s also a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the unique offering that is YOU. Leo energy doesn’t shy away from a genuine opportunity to sing one’s own praises, and I have a feeling that for those reading this piece, you’ve got plenty to be proud of. The years of 2012-2013 will not be remembered as a simple or easy time in our world, and everyone here today in some way is a survivor. We’ve got Soul Power alright. With this Full Moon, let’s use it to light up our world with love.
Happy Full Moon and Happy Valentine’s Day friends.
NOTE: Full Moon in Leo is February 14 at 3:53 pm PST/6:53 pm EST.
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2014. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you. (1419)